I don’t feel I can properly protect my staff and myself, or you the customer, so we will go back to mail order and pickups from pre-ordered items. At this time, we will not be opening the door so if you arrive unannounced at the shop hoping to browse and chat face to face that won’t be possible. You can phone us from the safety and comfort of your car, give us your order and means of payment and we will process the order and leave it on the doorstep. If there is a need to pick out a particular piece of wool or product, that can be discussed over the phone while Deborah or I show you samples through the window for you can choose from.
Considering that Omicron infections are high even with fully vaccinated and boostered people, checking vaccine cards at the door is too risky putting us very close to you and you to us. Experts say that 2 meters distancing is acceptable but at times we were less than a foot away trying to read the tiny print on your cards.
I will continue to go to the post office on Fridays but I will monitor the local case counts and revisit how things are going in two weeks. We will continue to work in the shop as long as we can, distancing from one another and wearing proper masks so we will be there for your fibre needs and be ready to open when we can.
Omicron infections are spread quickly and because we are deemed nonessential this is the right thing to do. We don’t want to be the catalyst that brings Covid into our workplace or our customer's homes. I hope you will understand and please be safe. We are back from holidays January 4th and will be there to answer your calls. 902-624-0370 for local calls and our toll free line of 1-855-624-0370 for long distance.