"Give a woman a hooked rug and she'll smile for a day, teach a woman to hook and she'll smile for a lifetime. " C. Little

Jo-Anne Koch from Cobden and Bev Swrjeski from Killaloe, both from areas I'd never heard of and was told they are little Irish towns.
They were bubbling over with enthusiasm to be in the shop...and then I spied the bag Jo-Anne was carrying and zoomed in with my eye and then grabbed the camera!
Jo-Anne ended up buying a floor frame and I packed it up in a box and they were laughing all the way out the door that they planned to stuff the remaining space full of their purchases from Nova Scotia, to make up the 50 Kilograms the airline will allow. They'd been looking all around the county for a second hand suitcase to stuff to the seams so the frame box fit the plan. What a hoot they were and definitely women you'd want in your hooking group. Laughter really is the best medicine and they were both good pills!

I thought maybe it would be fun to hook a small piece and then attach it to the bag because I was worried about the plastic liner but Jo-Anne just punched right through it with her hook. Of course you can't put it on a frame but that didn't deter her and said the bag itself acted as a weight to hold it down. Actually you could put a hoop inside the bag to push out the sides to make it rigid! I'm going to try it tomorrow to see if it works.
The bag has cotton handles and is a nice size for travelling, to hold a purse and all the stuff we women like to haul around. Not bad for a $2.00 find. I've used a couple of them to give as gift bags, one went for the draw when the busload of hookers visited the shop last Monday. If only I'd thought about hooking something on it to further jazz up the prize! Ah, maybe next time!
Well, I started the day off butt lagging. I was up late working and then was too exhausted to sleep....but once I hit the car and turned on the radio to find ZZ Top, Sharp Dressed Man I pushed the volume button to ridiculous and boom boxed my way to work tapping and boppin in my seat. Instant energy! Who needs uppers when you can tune into rock guitar nirvana!
Shane is zippy too. I hear him downstairs zapping fruitflies with that battery operated Executioner. They're terrible right now and if we forget and leave vinegar out they materialize out of no where and swarm the joint. Hate to kill anything but they mulitpy like rabbits and are in your face when trying to eat lunch. I don't share my gravensteins with anyone or anything! Have a great day people! I think it's going to be a gooder!