The ones that tweaked my interest, I listed on a piece of paper to help pare down for the final decision and the list kept growing and growing! Of course I want to do them all but one has to be the winner, not that any of the suggestions were losers!
I really liked the Flamingo idea and that one came in really early after I posted the contest. I imagined the possibilities and could see that pink bird as clear as day, but then other great ideas kept flooding in to take me in all directions artistically, I was dizzy from the shear numbers.
Several people requested trains filled with toys, which I’d never thought of before and it sounds like something I should do. One response was that I do a busy Christmas bee in honour of Honey with her recent problems, that one touched me for sure.
There were several dog suggestions, including poodles but the winning suggestion has to be a design that is globally interesting and a poodle, although my favourite breed, isn’t on the top of everyone’s list. Speaking of dogs, that cute King Charles pup was adorable and I would like to do a series of canines on stockings so if you have a fur kid and want to hook a stocking for them, let me know and I will come up with a design. I would really like to add to the doggie collection, we have a few now, an Airedale, a Chihuahua, and a Welsh Terrier but we are open to any breed, let us know!
The one suggestion with a snoozing rug hooker while Santa peeks at her from behind her chair was cute, and a little mouse in bed covered for “Not A Creature Was Stirring” made me smile. There were lots of suggestions for our new Canadian national bird which is something I will consider for later, but for this contest, I couldn't leave our American friends out of the fun.
I even had three suggestions from as far away as Japan, along with drawn examples of a bunny and a cat and a beautiful Mahone Bay Three Churches. How cool is that?
The old mercury ball idea is a design I already have in progress and needed to put the finishing touches on. I need to dig that out and revisit it.
So, get to the point Christine, everyone is waiting! The stocking idea that really knocked my socks off, pardon the pun, was “Rug hooking hooks would be awesome especially if you found the stocking Christmas morning filled with Shane's beautifully dyed wool.” I thought, how clever and I can’t believe I didn’t think of it before. I do have a rug pattern with lots of hooks but these will be special Christmas Hooks, colourful with fancy handles, sporting seasonal sayings and festive motifs with wool worms between them, waiting to be hooked. I was so thrilled I whipped up the design last evening and just now drew it on linen. I'm so tempted to hook it! I've been designing stockings for years but nothinbg specific for the rug hooker so this one's for you! Hopefully Santa will stuff it with all kinds of beautiful wool!
So the winner is, A stocking called "Hook Me A Stocking" suggested by Suzanne Chaddock I’ll mail it out pronto so you have it well in time to hook for the holidays if you so choose. Please send me your address and we will pop it in the mail! Congratulations! Thank-you everyone that participated!