There was a gardener planting next door making a bit of noise, so I assumed, with the doors open, he was hearing him through the screen so I screamed "No!" to quiet him. But that only got the rest of them excited so now they are all chiming in for a musical chorus of chaos and I'm about to loose my mind because my attempts at silencing the four yappers fell on deaf ears. That's strange because usually when I bark they stop so I knew something had to be up.
Henri kept hanging around the wood stove and I checked it out wondering if a squirrel or a mouse was gnawing between the walls again but I couldn't hear anything. This happens occasionally and I just love it when the scratching starts up in the middle of the night and I'm awakened from a deep sleep to low growling pups worried we are under attack. The sound seems magnified as if we're being invaded by an army hell bent on breaching the wall even though it's probably only a lone mouse nibbling on the studs.
Then in between my shouting and "What's the matter Henri?" there was a brief break of quiet and I heard an ever so soft fluttering coming from inside the wood stove. And then I saw the culprit. A little brown bird, either a dove or a starling, peeking out from behind the glass window of the stove. It looked at me as if to say, "get me the heck out of here, I took a wrong turn at a fork in the sky and ended up on the wrong side of freedom....what kind of bird cage is this?
So I rushed the pups upstairs and secured them in the bedroom, grabbed the camera and snapped a few shots. He sat very still in a weird pose with his head tilted back as if indignant that I was capturing this embarrassing moment to put on Facebook for all his friends to see.
I opened the front door and propped back the screen with a stool and slowly opened the stove door to set him free. It happened so fast I couldn't get the camera shot of him taking flight. At first he flew to the window and clung to the sill but as I shifted the curtain to take a picture he lifted off again, made a circle around the living room, spied the open front door and flew towards the light and freedom. He went as far as the cable wires and perched facing me. He shook his head as if to say "That turned out well considering I could have been a dog's breakfast!" and then flew off to where birds go.
How exciting for the morning. To begin by rescuing one of nature's little creatures. Good boy to Henri for pointing it out as the bird would have been trapped all day until I returned late this evening. How it got down the chimney I don't know. Maybe he was napping on the edge and fell in? I can't imagine it was done on purpose unless he was adventurous, wondering where the long dark brick tunnel may lead, to some pot of seeds under a rainbow? Anyway, another exciting day in the life of the Little's where Murphy's Law and quirky incidents frequent our humble abode......