Not only does my passion for the compass rose come alive through rug hooking, I also enjoy staining them on the floors in our home and the two buildings that have housed my shop. The picture on the left is the design from my previous shop and the points of the compass are stylized rug hooks.
They are so incredibly easy to do. All you need is a ruler, a protractor and a straight stick for making circles and a compass to find north. Water based stain is best as it dries quickly and Clean Edge tape prevents bleeding of the stain. Most of these compass roses took less than two hours to create. The only difficult part is being on your knees so grab a cushion. When I first started the business I fully intended to hire myself out to create compasses in client's homes but there was never any time. I helped a few people get started on their own and don't mind dispensing advice if anyone out there is interested.
The one on the top right is taken from the pattern Gothic Rose and stained on our kitchen floor and greets visitors as they come in the door. The one on the bottom is my husband's study before the rest of the floor was stained darker. Of course these can only be put on the floor with bare wood. Once sealed with varnish you have to use paint to make the rose, equally beautiful but not has hard wearing as stain.