I was deeply, deeply touched by all the comments and heartfelt response to my blogs about my dear little girl. Being alone at the time, I wrote because I felt I might burst if I didn’t let my feelings out, working through the pain with words was the only thing I could do.
I actually cried over each and every one of your responses, I could barely read them through the flood of tears. Some of you took the time to send emails and private messages and there were so many heartfelt comments on Facebook that when I tried to “Like” them all days later, a big Error message flashed on the screen and Facebook BLOCKED me out thinking it was some sort of hacking. I explained that the hundreds of comments were an outpouring of support for the loss of my beloved pet and they lifted the block so I could continue. My sweet Honey almost crashed my FB page, how cool is that!
A special thank-you for the beautiful fern Anne, and Lorraine, I will plant your gift of bulbs on Honey’s grave so every spring I’ll have a special reminder of my girl. Thank-you for all the hugs at the shop everyone; I accepted your embraces shyly, but needed, loved and appreciated every squeeze.
The outpouring saddened me and lifted me up at the same time. I know a lot of very wonderful people, mostly met through rug hooking. What a wonderful community we are. I thank everyone from the very bottom of my heart, and Honey would have been over the moon to know how much everyone loved her. She was a very special little girl.
Once again thank-you all; your support has helped more than you know. I have so much to be grateful for. I feel as if I am in a very exclusive club; people who love and have lost animals understand the sadness, loss and grief of membership.
I never realized how depressed I was over the past year. I was mourning her loss long before it became a reality but I wouldn’t change a thing. I loved her enough to dedicate these past 12 months to her needs, no regrets at all. I am a better person for loving her.
So I am back at the helm and going a mile a minute. A switch has been turned back on and the light is growing brighter every day. Through the pain I’m finding my smile and it feels good.....