I tried to do a generic dog that you could make changes too to reflect the breed you love. We may not have a hammock at our house but the overall feel of this design suits the laid back luxury of my pup's life. They are a pampered pack and I'm sure they think of bones all day and every night in their dreams, along with chasing rabbits.
My mother-in-law likes to say, "It's a dogs life" at my house. Not so sure what it's supposed to mean but sometimes it's followed by "Who needs four dogs?" Well, in my case need never came into play. The heart wants what the heart wants, and luckily I desire to snuggle with poodles, not other men, right hubby? So this one is for the dog lover in us all!
We are making a change to the contest. It's apparent that of the 400 - 500 hundred or so free patterns we hand out every month, not one of them are being submitted as hooked rugs for the monthly contest. My hope for this event was to offer a free pattern to be hooked for the draws, and because no one has submitted any to be judged or to show that they've been hooking it, we will no longer include the pattern unless it is requested. Too many trees being wasted.....so many bundles of paper, ink to print and labour to sort, staple and fold each month.
For those who purchase them monthly they are a little late due to the shop being so busy this time of year. They are going in the mail today, sorry for any inconvenience.