Some don’t like that I post negative blogs but right now I don’t give a hoot, I need to vent. I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired. I write about experiences and although I pray they could all be filled with butterflies and kittens, life isn’t like that. I’m a good person, with a kind and generous heart but I'm at the end of my tether.
People are crapping on me. I must be an easy target, trapped in a shop with no place to hide. Some of the people that cross my threshold are like a woman I used to know, generally sweet as pie but when she was in a restaurant she was terrible to the wait staff, took the woes of her cheating husband out on them. It’s easy to crap on strangers, it’s unfair but who cares when you don’t have to look at them again?
Over the past two weeks I’ve been hit so many times with attitude and rudeness that I am wondering what the hell I’m doing in retail. My husband tells me to quit, he says I don’t need to do this, so why am I subjecting myself to the balls of shit being thrown at me. I bend over backwards trying to please but I continually become the object of people’s wrath. What do I say back? Nothing! I stand there and take it like a dummy. I don't know how to fight, talk back or defend myself and then I fall apart.
Yesterday, at 10 minutes to 5 three women came in. One introduced herself as a hooker from a Fredericton group. The other two weren’t rug hookers but they were looking at my stack of Initially Yours letters. I told them I was hooking the alphabet and then planned to write a book about it. The rug hooker of the group said she was told to come into my shop and asked who I was. I said Christine. She said, oh hi!
We chatted and then she asked to go to the bathroom. I said "sorry we don’t have a public facility". I told her if the town hall was opened across the street she could go there. They left and I went to get my camera to take their picture for Facebook when they came back. A visitor from New Brunswick is always exciting! At 10 after 5 two of them came back. The rug hooker said she found a washroom and I said great. Then she said very bitterly with eyes that burned, “I have a medical condition and I am very upset that you didn’t let me use your washroom!” turned on her heel and walked out. The woman with her spoke up and said, “She was going to spend money in your shop, but now she will never come back!!!” and left.
I stood there for a moment before the tears hit. Shane said, “Mom, you can’t let that bother you!” But it was too late. Why wouldn’t it bother me? A rug hooker hates me and all the Fredericton group will be told I’m a miserable so an so. I didn’t do anything to deserve this.
Yes, we do have a bathroom but the toilet doesn’t work half of the time. To be blunt, in the last three number twos, it didn’t flush and I had to plunge it. Yuck! It was my poop and awful, if I had to do this with a strangers, I would lose my lunch. Need I tell you how shit sticks to a plunger? Probably not.
There is a problem in the line. Apparently the building next door and my building are hooked up wrong and run on the same line that T’s to the main street pipe. We are told by the Public works department, if we pay $500 to rent a camera to put down there and find out that the problem causing all the blockages belongs to the town they will fix it on their dime, if not we are out thousands of dollars for digging up the street. I don’t have that kind of money, to date no one next door has offered to share the expense.
We can’t flush while the washing machine is spinning or rinsing. If you do it won’t flush easily, not even with pee and a bit of paper. It usually ends laying in the pipe somewhere along the line and starts blocking, usually at the 90 degree bend at the T. We’ve had to pay to snake it out on several occasions, and the neighbour has had to do it as well. We are using the washing machine to spin the dyed wet wool and wash wool all day long and try to coordinate our waste removal accordingly as not to tax the line. The poor neighbour has had to clean up his basement after our bathroom illuminations more than he cares to mention. It’s been joked about how someone in our shop likes corn…real funny!
Except for not wanting to go down the hole smoothly, it hasn’t backed up on us, because we are higher on the street. They say shit rolls downhill and we can vouch for the validity of it. We do get the smell of methane; sewer gas, oh yum backed up in the bathroom. Because of this we use the toilet sparingly and flush as little as possible.
Does anyone care? Why should I have to explain this to everyone? Why can’t the fact that we don’t have a public washroom be enough? Other shops on the street deny access and no one gets angry with them. We are not in the food industry so we aren’t required to open it to the public. The last person who was allowed to use it left a terrible mess that I won’t describe and I said no more. If you use an excess of paper to wipe, it won’t flush. Some women are not kind in public washrooms, they are afraid to sit on a seat so they hover and leave pee all over it and don’t clean it up. Quite frankly I don’t earn enough to deal with this.
And a bigger question is why do people save up a full bladder and/or colon and go into a store expecting them to take it on? Mahone Bay has an Irving, some of the cleanest bathrooms you’ll ever see, cleaned on the ½ hour and we also have two public washrooms in town, one directly across from the Irving and visible from our shop. If I had a medical condition, I’d go to a bathroom before going into a store, there is no guarantee there will be a facility. Even the market in town that sells food and has tables outside for sitting at to eat lunch, doesn’t have a washroom. No one craps on them about it.
I ran upstairs and cried on the phone to my husband, who once again suggested it’s time to retire and then went home and bawled like a baby on the back deck because I’m so tired of this. My pups were kissing me and wondering what the heck was wrong. I don’t deserve to be treated in this manner. I can’t seem to grow a thicker skin and as I age I become more sensitive to people and their rudeness.
I have a rule, no public washroom. Why am I the bad guy, whether the toilet has problems or not? Is my face the dumping ground for frustrations that have nothing to do with me? The fact that I stand there and take it, not defend myself or speak back is justification to use me as a target? My big problem is that I keep comparing people to what I would do in any situation so I really don't understand. I am respectful of others and don’t expect them to cater to me. Rug Hooker from Fredericton, you didn’t use my washroom but you certainly crapped all over me!
I am tired and if this is the way I am continually treated I’m afraid I won’t be around long. I carry negative feelings for a long time and it zaps every bit of energy from me. My son keeps saying, don’t let it bother you but there’s a flaw in me that takes it all on. I lose sleep, I feel physically ill. I’m a waste facility for negative energy. There is a hook-in today and I don’t want to go to the shop. I woke with a terrible headache, and I feel like I’ve been punched in the face from swollen eyes and puffy cheeks. I wanted to finish my Z last evening but I couldn’t even hook.
And....Just last week two woman came into the shop. I spent time in the back room chatting with them while they went through the patterns. The one gal kept telling me she didn’t have any money this month. Three times she brought up her financial situation. I thought it was strange. I don’t pressure people to buy things in my store, completely the opposite.
Anyway, the gal showed me her tattoos of sunflowers and said she really loved them. She said she would like a pattern with three large sunflowers on it and I offered to design it for her, letting her know that isn’t something I do anymore, but the idea was interesting and it would be a nice pattern for the rack.
The other gal wanted a design we didn’t have in stock but said she would order it and come back for it another day. We had mail orders to get out, which I didn’t mention, but I told her that if she planned on being in Mahone Bay for lunch, we would do up her pattern to save her from a three hour drive each way to come back for it. She thanked me and we rang up her order.
Her friend spied a sunflower kit and mentioned it was nice. She said the flower was perfect. Remembering the conversations about her being low on funds, I offered it to her for 20% off which was a $50.00 savings. The rug kit was originally $249.95. She said she would think about it over lunch. The kit had been in the shop for over a year and the plastic bag was quite wrinkled and the paper label was dog eared. It needed to be rebagged, I just never got around to it. I’m saying this so you know I had no attachment to the wrinkled wrappings of the kit.
A hour or so later I was called downstairs to help a lady from BC who wanted to buy a Lunenburg kit. The Sunflower gal had come back in and asked my assistant to open the bag that held the kit and she was spreading the pattern over the floor to have a look at it and said that it was actually larger than she thought from looking at the picture but was happy with the size. I didn’t have any thoughts about what she was doing although she accused me of being angry that she had removed the pattern from the bag.
I was at the counter ringing up the BC woman’s order, and I was getting her shipping information. While we were talking and I was writing down her mailing address the woman that wanted the sunflower kit blurted out and asked if I would take $180.00 for the kit. I’d just offered her $50 off and now she wanted another $20.00. If she had asked me in private, took me aside and asked I probably would have said yes, the kit had been there awhile and I liked her, the project couldn’t have gone to a better rug hooker because of her love of sunflowers. But she asked in front of the woman now buying a kit and a second customer at the wool racks. There was no regard of how that would make other customers feel, they wouldn’t be getting any deals.
I said sorry, if you purchase the wool off the rack it would be more expensive than the price I offered. (Usually a kit is more expensive because you pay for my time to dye the exact colours and cut the strips and assemble the kit.) Now she wanted even more off. I said, if you aren’t interested in it, it will go back to the regular price after I rebag it. I said it to impress that I was offering her the discount, that I didn’t plan to do it for anybody else.
She said she was leaving and stormed out the door. I was stunned and said “Ah, come on, don’t be like that”, It probably wasn’t the best thing to say but that’s all that came out. I’m terrible at confrontation and only come up with good things to say well after the fact. Her friend left behind her and thanked me for making up her pattern.
I started to tremble and nausea hit pretty quickly. The woman I was waiting on heard it all and saw how I was reacting and told me to breathe and relax, not to let it bother me. Well, that’s a snowball chance in hell…..not going to happen ever. The rest of my day was ruined. I was depressed and black as tar and I left early to get away from the shop. My beautiful shop once again ruined by someone going off the rails. All the way home I kept asking why I put myself through this? I had a miserable evening and so did my hubby as the phone call was filled with whining.
Before I went to bed I checked my Facebook page and there was a message posted by the sunflower woman calling me “judge mental”, “rude” and “snotty”. That she has been through too much to be treated like that. How I think I am better than her. It went on and on about how awful I was to her. How my assistant was nice and opened the kit but I was angry because of it.
I replied and told her my side of things and she replied back again with more of the same, paragraphs of it. Seeing that I wouldn’t get anywhere I didn’t reply to her last message so then she posted a comment right on my FB about ‘It’s not what you do in life that people remember, but how you make them feel”. Well that works two ways doesn’t it? I felt pretty awful after I’d been trying to help her. I wonder about her…..she stressed twice that her life has been rough, if she’s been treated so badly, maybe she’s always cocked and loaded looking for offensiveness where none exists. I’ve been treated badly too, I don’t have an attitude everywhere I go and pounce if someone looks at me sideways. She wants me to apologize to her for being judgmental. I told her that in my heart that isn’t true. I’m not sure what I was supposed to be judging? I didn’t know her well enough to judge or even have an opinion about her, I didn’t even know her name! She wrote that f I had just said “no” she would have been fine. Somehow I doubt that. She tells me she will never come back and hints that her friend won’t be back either.
There is not one iota of truth to my being mean with her. I was stating facts. I had offered her an exceptional deal but that wasn’t good enough. My kits are works of art, top quality, not sloppy recycled wool thrown in a bag……and they are never on sale.
I’m a bit fed up. This constant crap is tearing me down. I’m not growing a thicker skin with age, it’s thinning to the point of breaking. Even if I could come back with a retort it wouldn’t be mean, that’s not who I am. So please, if you have a chip on your shoulder stay the heck away from me because I don’t have one, nor do I want yours. This is rug hooking for god’s sake. We aren’t fighting for world domination! We’re on the same side!
All I want to do is go to work, design some patterns, write my blogs and chat with the wonderful people I have the pleasure to meet. It’s obvious I’m too much of a pussy to handle problems. I’m an Empath, all 30 of the descriptions fit me. I feel things very deeply. I just learned this and it answers a lot of questions. It’s ingrained in my personality and I’m not going to change so I have to amend my circumstances so I don’t put myself in the way of those that are always ready to duke it out. I have to stop wanting people to like me. I need to appreciate those that do and build from that. I need to toughen up and not sweat the small ‘minded’ stuff. And then I think, if only I could follow my own advice......
When people come in that are nice, I am high from the positive experience. I go home and smile all evening long, even while I hook. All is good in the world. But when they aren't nice, it tears me down and it’s a struggle to get back up.
Coincidentally, I was in a shoe store one the way to work yesterday and a woman wanted to use the washroom and the clerk told her that she wasn't allowed to take her purse in with her so it would have to be left behind the counter. The woman left her bag, smiled and said thank-you. Thank-you????? I was shocked!!!!! I couldn't believe it!!!!! If I had a public washroom and asked someone to do that the fallout would be wild. I can’t even get them to leave their coffee on the counter let alone all their money, keys and credit cards! With me, they want to shoot the messenger. I looked at the clerk with utter amazement, wondering what she did that created such a positive response. She didn't even say please or thank-you….could that be it?
In the past two weeks four patterns were stolen out of my back room, if I asked that purses be left at the counter, I’ll bet WWW III would break out. My door would be broken from all the stomping and slamming! I'll bet the farm I'd be accused of calling them a thief!
So universe, please send kindness my way today so I can love going to work again. I’m just a lowly rug hooker, not a witch or any of the rhyming ‘itch’ words. As much as I hate to admit it I’m an idiot. It’s embarrassing really. I’m ashamed that I can’t let anything roll off my back. I can’t change, nor would I want too, I don’t want to be retail hardened. People have told me that retail almost destroyed them before they got out of it. If this world is on a downward spiral and people are getting progressively ruder and filled with entitlement, I will choose to be a recluse in my home.