I never do things half way, it’s all or nothing, that’s me in a nut shell, so there was silver to polish, washing china, buffing the cutlery, checking the stemware, digging out the linen tablecloth and all the other pomp and circumstance.
I managed to get it all done but ran out of time. I never learn to take my shower early, but it seems counter productive when running around like a chicken without a head gets me hot and bothered and sweaty armpits didn't fit with the celebration I'd envisioned.
So per the usual, I was in the bathroom when guests started to arrive. It’s funny, they can launch a space shuttle and time the landing on the moon within a fraction of a second, but I can’t be ready on time to greet guests at the door. I was drying my hair while the first people arrived. Not that hubby and my aunt Audrey couldn’t handle it but one of these days I need to plan better, start earlier or do less. There were so many things to check off. That morning I moved like the Flash, barking orders to the help (thank-you hubby and Audrey), trying to remember to say please and thank-you but some fell short. I wasn't as mean as Chef Ramsey but I might have come dangerously close. I can really move, all that short order cook experience in my teens is a life skill I’ll take to my grave. I can do several things at once and I did, I looked like a movie playing fast forward. Not that I'm placing myself in their caliber but I'm sure any caterer knows what's it's like to meet deadlines and I'll bet their deodorant meets with a fatal end as well.
I'd made a princess canopy for Ashley's chair and found a tiara online that arrived the afternoon before. It was beautiful but not the most comfortable thing to wear but she was a real trooper and left in on for a few pictures. I think every woman needs at least one tiara in her lifetime. Maybe that's just me projecting. I'd take a real crown any day, something more tangile than the imaginary one I've worn for years.
Some of the highlights were my homemade squares and bouquets of veggies and fruit delivered to the door that morning were fabulous. What great service, delicious and decadent looking. Blossoms in Chester, at the Galley Restaurant, check them out! http://www.blossomsfruitarrangements.com/
The star of the day, second only to Ashley, was the cake. Made by Angela’s Delectable Delights, Angela is the daughter of Anne Holmes, one of our Main Street Hookers gals. The cake was a showstopper and as delicious as it was beautiful with layers of chocolate, vanilla and chocolate ganache. The theme for the event was a tea party so the cake design was decided by the invitation. I asked for a pale turquoise base with flowers and the colours perfectly matched the invite card. I couldn't be more pleased. AI would highly recommend Angela and she makes divine cupcakes as well.
My Aunt Audrey was in charge of the games. She was darling in her pink hat and enthusiastically entertained the crowd with four games between eating lunch and unwrapping presents. She should rent herself out for a professional games coordinator as she had elegant print outs and it was very apparent she put a lot of thought into it. We had a basket of presents for prizes and everyone went home with something. I also had chocolate covered apples, also by Blossoms to hand out as they left. I think it was a fun afternoon for all.