Butterfly; butterfly fly away, teach me how to be as free as free can be..... Ashley Landrey

When this rug walked into my shop I was just that. Flabbergast! From a distance the hooked detail of this piece made it look like a photograph of actual butterflies. When I finally found my voice I couldn’t relay enough flattery or add enough sincerity to portray my pleasure. This was truly a magnificent depiction of nature at its best. Doreen Burke truly made a connection with this subject and proved her talent as an artist.
When she bought the pattern and we picked out wool for the background, border and some of the butterflies I never realized the talent to which I was speaking. And when later she brought the rug in finished I felt humbled before her. You just never know what talent rests beneath a friendly smile!
By the dated signature this rug was hooked in 2006, back when I was in the old shop. I don’t remember much about when Doreen bought the pattern other than we did pick out some wool together, but I will never forget her show and tell after it was finished. This rug loved the camera. Back then, I wasn't that great with photography (not that I'd win any awards now) but the rug was so magnificent it couldn't take a bad picture. I cropped it badly with an unsophisticated photo program but you can still make out the scalloped border that blends beautifully with the gentleness of the butterflies and moths, making the piece feel feminine and soft.
We have this pattern in two shapes. The above oval and then for those who requested it, we designed a rectangle for those who prefer rugs with corners. This rug would fit beautifully in a lepidopterist’s study, someone who investigates or collects butterflies and/or moths or for anyone who loves these magnificent metamorphosing creatures. To know these lovely winged insects derived from grubs is amazing; one of natures incredible miracles. Their wings appear like delicate lace to caress a summer's breeze.

Butterflies Rectangle
Size: 33" x 28"
Burlap - $52.95
Linen - $71.48
Butterflies (Oval)
Size: 27" x 35"
Burlap - $52.95
Linen - $71.48