The postal codes don’t lie, according to online sex store, Pink Cherry, Mahone Bay with its population of under 1000, buys more BDSM (Bondage, Discipline, Submission and Masochism) products per capita than all of Canada. The larger cities barely make the list so I guess the rural communities are having all the fun, says Terry. And then Kentville, population of 6094 got a mention for ordering the most sex toys per capita than all of Canada. So there’s a lot of folks in Nova Scotia “gettin a bit of kink on”.
Terry O’Reilly mentioned that he should call a random number in Mahone Bay to ask what they think of this claim to fame. You could hear the phone book pages turning and then they dialed a number. It rang and rang. No one answered. His assistant’s comment? “They must be tied up”. Ha ha very funny!
I live in Mahone Bay; been here all my life. I’m not sure how I feel about this designation although it was a chest busting moment when announced that we’ve been voted one of the five best places in Canada to live. Exciting stuff considering our size, don’t blink going through our town or you could miss it!
I’m not one to cast stones, nor do I live in a glass house, and neither should anyone else considering the pension for rough play around these parts. Although I really don’t care what consenting adults do, I’ll admit my curiosity has peeked…. I’ll be looking at people a bit differently, wondering how much whipping is going on behind closed doors, and I don’t mean finishing rugs.
My, my….little ole Mahone Bay and Kentville; what’s with Nova Scotia and sex? Is something in the town water system?
FYI - Hubby and I are on a drilled well....just sayin…..