I should have known something was up. I dreamed last night; vivid, creative dreams, something that has eluded me since I learned to cut down on my anxiety. I call the loss the collateral damage of stress reduction. My dreams were always like a free trip to the movies. Back in the day when I dreamed prolifically, I hated to wake in the mornings, interrupting a story line that held me intrigued enough to want to finish it. Lately, my nights have been black as pitch, nothing except sleep when it finally hits so I’ve been waking up bored and disappointed. It’s now obvious that mucus is a trigger.
I’m feeling insulted that this could happen. I’m kind of arrogant that way because I live clean and healthy. I guess that fall the other day set the stage for a string of events and I’m hoping this is the final act. My taste is off, my smell is down to less than 5% and I just want to crawl to the sofa and get horizontal with my misery and maybe sleep a bit. Being sick is almost peaceful if not for the interruptions of violent sneezing fits which make me wish I stocked Depends!
I optimistically brought work home for today. Two patterns I’ve been playing around with. One is called “Do The Hokey Pokey”, a bunch of right feet around the perimeter of the paper. I don’t know how old you’d have to be to relate to this childhood song and dance, but maybe it’s still current…I’m not up on what kids do today but I do know things go around and around. My friends are more in the grandma stage of life; working on the next generation of wee ones.
The other rug I’m designing is all about hats and will probably be called “Hats Off To Ya!”. All kinds of hats, all shapes and sizes, to go along with the other fashionista pieces recently designed of purses and shoes. After that I’ll draw colourful socks and possibly mittens, who knows where this will end.
If only I brought home some of the Keurig Green Tea KCups I just bought for the shop. A bit of tea and lemon might take the edge off my misery. Of course I could make tea from scratch, we have a jar filled with several selections of bulk leaves, but that would require a bit of labour and I’ve grown quite used to the easy style of my beloved Keurig…and then there’s the squeezing lemon bit…..sigh, it’s not going to be a great day! You are probably getting the idea that I'm not a very good patient, and you'd be bang on. I don't like being sick or down for the count and I whine like a little girl. So I'm not wearing the big panties today out of fear of wetting them in a sneezing fit.
I don’t usually blog on Sunday but what else is there to do. No one here to talk to, the TV is boring and I ache all over. Too funny, I just saw that ad on TV for Nyquil….Pam…Pam…call my mom? I used to think it was hilarious but it touched a little too close to home today and I seem to be more in the guy's camp...…poor fellow with that insensitive wife throwing the bottle at him! No matter how big you are, when you’re sick you need your mommy! Well that won't happen in my case, but right now I’d settle for anyone capable of cold compressing my head and squeezing a lemon. I’m posting the ad for those of you who haven’t seen it….it’s criminal the way she treats that poor man!
So last night, I still had my taste buds and made Rene’s Caesar Salad along with the best pork chop I’ve ever eaten. So tender and juicy…sorry vegans, I like my meat! I’ve been searching for the perfect Caesar recipe for years. I’ve been so disappointed in restaurants I no long choose it as a starter. I do like the heavy garlic of the one at the Knot Pub in Lunenburg, but it's more like pub fare than a fine dining opener.
The traditional Caesar‘s dominant flavour is lemon, and I can appreciate those recipes, but for me the perfect salad bosts a lot of garlic. I’m talking about little bursts of fire as the garlic bits land on the tongue. I’m talking about a Caesar so potent that you smell it for days as it oozes out of your being. Despite the dysfunction of my senses I can still smell it this afternoon and of course the fever helps it weep from my pores.
So I’ll share this jewel of a recipe with you. Of course the ingredients call for a normal amount of garlic; I just kick it up a notch. For those of you who like simplicity this is the recipe for you and there aren’t any pesky raw eggs to worry about. Like I said, it’s the best one I’ve ever had! I’ll put it in a separate blog for those who might like to print it off and not have all these words wasting your printer paper.
Rene is a friend of ours who took a job out west and when he visits here he stays in our spare room. He has a son in the area so we see him about three times a year. He introduced this recipe to us and although he is a wonderful guy, domestic, nice, good looking and French, I will always remember him the most for this recipe. He solved the quest for the perfect Caesar and now I can have it any time I like. This recipe makes enough for several meals so you can store the remaining sauce in the fridge and later add a bit of olive oil for more romaine lettuce. If you have a better recipe I would be willing to try it but in the meantime I found my jewel. Thanks Rene!