Helen herself has been hooking since 2006 and she has been enjoying it very much. She likes vivid colours although she says she doesn’t do any of the dyeing herself. I had a look though Helen’s portfolio and it was an impressive lineup of pieces and I saw a few of my designs in there so I wanted to show them off.
She said The Herd was fun and different from what she usually hooks. I like the vibrant rust background framing the sheep. She hooked the critters in yarn and the rest was done in #4 cut wool strips. The Strawberry themed pattern isn't mine but too pretty not to showcase. It's a Joan Moshimer design and although she couldn’t recall the name we figured Strawberry Basket was close enough. It was featured in the Ontario Guild Newsletter awhile back. Good job Helen!
Hubby Ron was in tow as most husbands are, although most prefer hovering outside the door to keep the sidewalk straight. Don't worry guys, a wing back chair is on the way for taking a load off while waiting for the better half to fondle wool. Poor guys, popping into stores all over town with as much enthusiasm as a pin in the eye. Guess they love us eh?
Ron didn't seem to mind and I found out he's also a crafter, teaming up with Helen to sell their wares at the local markets. Obviously proud of his wife's handiwork he was the one who mentioned showing me her portfolio that was filled with beautiful rugs. Helen also does crocheting and sewing and Ron makes Muskoka cedar lawn furniture. I wasn’t sure what a Muskoka chair was and he explained it has a curved back, like the Adirondack but more comfortable. Interesting and lovely couple, retired and exploring their creative sides together. A lovely couple!