So yesterday, I said screw the housework and hooked. Once the decision was made the pain went away. No darn wonder my hair is falling out if I stress over decisions between housework or hooking! So I closed my eyes and my mind to the dishes and the dirty laundry that will live to be done another day and went about pulling loops and watching some of the taped movies on the DVR. The wind was howling outside but inside the fire was crackling and the warmth was divine so I hooked all day and all evening, right up until bedtime and went right to sleep, literally, as soon as my head hit the pillow.
So this is what I did on the Celtic Christmas Stocking. I’m using bright colours instead of traditional Christmas colours. I try to do each stocking with a different palette and for this one I didn’t need to do red so why use it? I love these colours! This is a stocking for someone living in a tropical paradise or for the person that likes fun brights. Hooked mostly in #6 cut with a #5 for the smaller celtic knot inside the tree.
The blue is from our Royal Blue bundle, Turquoise bundle and 3 value Lime green. The background is called Paradise and is a combination of the blue and the lime applied very lightly for a custom match. This piece was very simple to plan by reusing the same colours over and over. At first I considered adding one more colour to the mix for the tree topper but then just kept it simple with the blue and the turquoise. This is also the first stocking I've put an outside border on...just because. All in all I am pleased and hope to finish it tonight.