Until I finally go over to the flannel side, I’ve been changing up my nightwear to compensate. I switch between a cotton nightie to two piece flannel jammies. Last night I greatly misjudged the temperature and found myself waking chilled and pulled the covers out from under the pups to cover me. They must have been cool too because all four of them were pressed up against the length of my body to share the warmth. The window had been open all night and I could feel the cold and dampness down to my bones.
I’ve made a fire a couple of evenings to warm the air but generally it's still nicer inside than out. We snuggle on the sofa and share the warmth of all our bodies like a big poodle/momma casserole, covered in a layer of polar fleece blankie. It’s easy to fall asleep when it’s cozy so we’ve spent a few nights there instead of going upstairs.
I took the pups outside this morning and was surprised to see the driveway covered in golden leaves from the shedding birches. There was a lot of wind yesterday and I’ll admit I hardly noticed they were turning colour and now they are already beaten to the ground. It seems like autumn is on the fast track. The season is certainly a rude visitor, it doesn’t knock on the door respectfully, but barges in unwanted as if it owns the place. We had such a short summer I hoped that would reflect in the length of fall. Maybe it’s too early to tell and this morning might not be a full representation of what is ahead.
There's no denying times have changed. Gone is the gentle transformation of season to season experienced in my childhood. Now the four bully one another out of their respective times, overlap and disrespect one another. One day you wear short sleeves and crop pants and the next thing you’re rummaging around in the closet for winter attire. Global warming has made our planet fickle, jumping from season to season without any regard for the old rules or taking turns. We Nova Scotians are used to experiencing four seasons in one day. We even have a saying, “if you don’t like the weather, wait ten minutes”.
With the really cold weather looming, I sure hope we get to do a bit more sailing before we put our boat on the hard at the end of this month. Surely there will still be a few nice days to extend the fun. It’s going to be a very long winter and spring until she is back in the water. Be warned, there will be the occasional moaning until she’s launched. This year, Newfoundland’s colder climate delayed getting the boat here sooner so the season started late for us in the middle of July and then Gregg was called away for work in August so we only had a few weeks of bliss. I drive by her every day and say “hi girl” or “hi baby”, and because I talk to the inanimate objects in my life, I wish her well and promise to see her soon. I think another trip out to sit in her beamy cockpit is overdue because I want her to feel loved, not neglected. Hey, every one of us has a few quirks....mine are reasonable, and besides, it’s not like these objects talk back......
So I can’t believe I had to put on socks this morning. Socks! My feet were freezing so now the sandals and canvas shoes are over and the leather slip-ons are back on my feet. I also looked for a jacket, something of medium weight, what I call a car coat. And on top of that, the phone rang this morning. The Subaru dealer wanting us to make an appointment for the winter tires next week! Like HELLO….that seems awfully premature, last year it was well into December before we switched. I better not see snow for a very, very, very long time!
So the Annual Scarecrow Festival & Antique Show starts today and runs the entire weekend. The town will be crawling with visitors snapping pictures and ooing and awing over the creative minds of the townsfolk. I missed out again this year. Not sure what’s going on but every year I am out of commission for one reason or another and don’t get to make a display. This year I was sick which made me too far behind at work to be messing with a scarecrow. Hubby is away and I’d have to do it all myself and there’s no fun in that much work. I’ll stick out the photo board and dress it up with seasonal things and call it a day. It gets plenty of attention, the kids love it and the guilt is lessened but I have this idea to do a hooker standing up against a lamp post. She’ll be dressed in sexy attire, a black feather boa, black bra and garters and she’ll be hooking a rug. A double entendre for sure, a hooker hooking. I built one back at the old shop but threw her away thinking I would do something different for every festival. I definitely wasn’t firing with a full gun that year.
So stay tuned, one of the years I’ll whip her up and be on time, but to be safe, don’t hold your breath….