Design #11 is called GINGERBREAD HOUSE II
Once again life has gotten in the way of getting out the next design. I haven’t said much about my poodle Henri being ill unless you have visited the shop and it got brought up, so most don’t know what we’ve been going through. He started with a murmur and now his heart is so enlarged that it presses on his trachea making him cough and choke when excited or if he does the downward facing dog stretch or holds his head a certain way. I bring him to work with me because he would get so excited when I arrive home, he’d probably pass out. In his final weeks, months, possibly a year I want him with me 24/7. Covid has made this easy, hubby and I haven’t eaten out or had any kind of social life since the plague hit and if I go into the grocery store hubby is in the car with him.
Henri had an appointment at the vet college in PEI last October and we were told that by April of this year he would probably be in congestive heart failure but knock on wood, he has not progressed any further since that visit and his resting heart rate is anywhere between 14 and 18, down from 20 when he first saw the cardiologist. Fantastic proof that his lungs aren’t filling up with fluid as the water separates from the blood while pumping through the malfunctioning heart, signaling the end is nearing. I home feed him so he’s healthy so we are hoping things progress really slowly. He really wants to go sailing this summer, yup he told me, he loves the breeze in his hair, his ears flopping in the wind. He's my soulmate pup and I can’t think of what will come, of a life without my precious peanut, so we are both living in the moment.
Yesterday Henri had a bug of some kind and threw up his undigested breakfast around 3:00 PM in the shop followed by a splash of diarrhea so I left work early to bring him home and care for him, make sure his electrolytes were good and kept him hydrated. Today he is back to his normally jolly self so whatever that was passed. My pups come first in my life so the pattern was left on the desk waiting for the remaining darkening and photo today.
So here it is folks. My second gingerbread house. This one is a bit smaller and the front and back of the house is oriented differently. I plan to make another one, different once again, for a set of three and create a small village scene in the back room on the antique mantel.
Each one has different elements so they are exciting to hook. I haven’t assembled this one yet but I took a photo of the pieces already glued to their backings. I’ve designed and hooked two gingerbread trees with a third one in the making and there will be hooked suckers added to the village for splashes of candy colours to add to this sweet-toothed scene.
I loved designing and hooking these houses. They are better than the real thing without all the calories and messy, crumbling with age. Every year you can haul them out of storage looking as good as the day they were made. And if you are a Christmas kid at heart maybe you’ll leave them out to enjoy all year.
Gingerbread House II 10 ½” Tall at the peek