Design #9 is called VANISHING POINT
Sorry I am two days late. I’m here in the shop on my own Thursday and Friday and it’s been busy. Then I bungled the first of this pattern and had to do it over. For all those that struggle drawing patterns I can relate. Although with 24 years experience drawing them on a large scale, I might be considered an expert at it but I still goof up occasionally. This morning I was distracted by hubby asking for assistance hanging a shelf in the dye kitchen for the big box of tin foil which I happily complied with, but when I started back at the pattern, I’d forgotten how the center went and put lines where they shouldn’t have been. The air was blue for a bit and my toe hurts from kicking the desk and when I couldn’t erase the marker lines, I resigned to the fact that it had to be done over and done right. A blood pressure meter would have come in handy to check to see if my head was about to explode but then again, maybe it's best not to know these things. I was under pressure to get it done for Thursday and now late, I wasn’t in the best form for taking it easy so my brain was rushing and the marker hand followed suit.
This one was a lot of hand drawn lines and the first pattern has to be perfect for the website photo. A photo will highlight a mistake as if a blinking neon arrow is pointing it out. The vanishing point comes out of each corner, criss-cross and then diminishes into a fine point in the middle of the rug, creating a diamond pattern in the center that houses squares within squares. I think they play well with the triangle's created in each quadrant by the vanishing points. Once again Hubby named it.
I love geometric design, anything ranging from traditional to contemporary. I once visited a home where the floors were covered in large hand-hooked rugs. They were the perfect complement to a step back in the past his home represented with all the wonderful antiques the owner, a past dealer, had accumulated. It struck me that even though the colours varied from rug to rug they were all perfectly cohesive. The common denominator was the geometric designs and they blended beautifully.
Vanishing Point 21 ½” x 36”