My business is growing older as well and it's expanding around the girth but this is one change I can live with. As hard as it is to believe we are thirteen years old, no longer a child, growing in leaps and bounds from all the good wool I feed it. It's blossomed into a precocious teenager, sassy and full of spunk, wanting to explore new avenues having a blast. All aboard! It's full steam ahead for the next decade......I hope you will come along for the ride!
So I'm bulging at the seams...the shop, not me. When the opportunity cropped up to expand into the back room, I jumped on it. The floor is going in today and that will only leave the window and door trim and baseboard moulding. Shane primed and painted one coat of top colour the other day. A rather happy yellow that will get toned down with rugs and patterns hanging off the walls, so it won't be such a blast to the eye when you cross the threshold.
I'm thinking the room will house the patterns, what I call the less attractive side of the business. Just a bunch of burlap and linen hanging on a rack does little to inspire the colourful landscape I see for the shop. When you walk in the front door I want you to be swept away to a colour-filled fantasy-land for as far as the eye can see. I want drool on the floor and a glazed look in your eye!
Another shipment arrived today so we now have 55 different plaids, checks and herringbone weaves on the shelf. These wools are perfect as is, or throw on a bit of dye to jazz it up. I'm appreciating the simple texture more and more. You can strip a multi-coloured plaid down the different tones for multiple looks. My big fish rug was the perfect testimony to what a plaid can do for interest and colour.
Once the patterns are relocated in the new space then I will have more room for the coveted wool, and maybe a wing back or two to sit and chat, take a load off for trailing husbands or come and hook for the afternoon in a place that inspires the pants of ya! The coffee is exceptional and the company divine! be the judge on that......
I'm feeling like the universe is smiling down on me....being able to come to work in such a lovely studio. I'm sitting here writing and sipping my favorite brew while Shane is downstairs doesn't get much better than this! I might take the day off, sit on my laurels and savour the scenery. Maybe I'll hook just for the sake of hooking, nothing that needs to be done, just pull some loops for the shear joy of it, grab a pattern off the rack and just do it!
I hate to sound like a broken record but I love, love, love my studio! Thank goodness there isn't a shower in the shop or I might never leave!