"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind
don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind. "– Dr. Seuss
The week before last we had a surprise visit from Deanne Fitzpatrick who was combing around this part of the province visiting with old friends and meeting new. She's a long term friend of Doris Eaton so they had a lovely catch-up and then visited the surrounding studios in the county. This was her first trip to our new shop and I was happy to show it off. She’s hooking royalty around these parts….more people know her name than the pope. She bought some wool and then was gone but we squeezed in a quick photo op.
So, Saturday Sue was in doing some hooking and keeping me company on a miserable damp day and I was drawing off a few new designs when a group of women popped in that had been at the museum and were told my shop was a must see. As the doors swelled open and the women swarmed the shop the energy they brought was palpable. Fun gals from all over Canada, out for a good time and in search of a laugh. They were a group of friends who decided to meet up for a bit of holiday fun and were hitting the shops. None were hookers, although one had tried it. One was self proclaimed craft challenged, but one from Halifax thought it would be interesting to take a class, as long as it was “fun” being the prerequisite. Three stayed behind while the rest left to check out the consignment shop next door.
How talk got around to boobies is lost on me but complaints about the weight and size of the larger chest was mentioned and before we knew what was happening one of the women had lifted her shirt to show us her reduction from a G to darn near perfect C. I haven’t seen anything that perky for a very long time and maybe never did as I don’t recall a time not being able to stash paper money under mine for safe keeping...who needs a fanny pack! They’ve been laying on my chest since I was a teen, an unexpected lifelong reminder for getting married and having a baby way too young.
The female breast is a beautiful thing. I used to think that back in the day of life drawing classes. So round, so smooth so fully formed. And I‘ve seen a set or two on television that can make a girl green with envy. Breasts so firm they wouldn’t move if their owner jumped up and down on a trampoline, whereas I might sustain an eye injury!
At this point in my life the breast barely gets a second thought...I’m more interested in hooking perfection than anything to do with my anatomy but the shock of seeing breasts in the shop, especially such fine specimens, caused my jaw to bruise my foot as it dropped and all I could say through the drool was a very sincere “OMG they’re fabulous!”
Her breasts still showed the fading scars of surgery but you could see they were well on the mend and on their way to being a chest that wouldn’t need a bra. It would be a crime to conceal them behind lace and material after the surgeon had sculpted perfection. These breasts needed to be shown, used as examples or modeled for artists, papers need to be written about them…made famous as the poster breasts for augmentation.
In the woman’s opinion, the result was well worth the 10 weeks of recovery and there was no pain except for taking one Advil the first day after surgery. She said she had it done for medical reasons. A smaller woman, her G sized breasts caused surmountable back and shoulder pain, and truthfully I had no frame of reference of anything that size but it sounded way bigger than any number I’m familiar with, maybe Dolly could relate, I don’t know.
So now she is a C and loving it. She’s a nurse so did all the research and found the best surgeon and was completely happy with the results and recommended it highly. The thing that made me squirm was the nipple replacement. They cut off her actual nipples and sewed them back on where they should be…somewhere between the elbow and the shoulder. I didn’t know that…I always thought the bellybutton was a good level…..
She left the surgeon’s information but I’m too much of a coward. If it is needed for medical reasons the operations is free and if it’s cosmetic the price tag is $5000.00. The money was inconsequential, if I wanted it done badly enough I wouldn’t blink. I probably have enough discomfort to warrant it done for medical reasons but if not, that’s only the price of three or four poodles and I don’t drink or smoke so I must have a credit somewhere for good living!
I do have problems with bras. They cause cramps in my chest as the back strap wheedles its way between my ribs and makes the muscles sore. Lately I’ve been more sensitive to it with my heart skipping all over the place so I am wearier about my posture and any discomfort in that area. Sometimes it hurts while I hook because I am leaning forward just a bit too much and there was that humiliating story about the hospital run I wrote about not so long ago. And let's face it, some of the bras we bustier women are forced to wear make you feel like you’re armoured and heading into battle like Zena the Warrior Princess!
If…and there’s that big if…I thought I would make it through the operation without any complications or infections etc., I might consider it more seriously. It would be nice to not suffer cramps from bra bands or wear clothes without having that peek-a-boo gap between the buttons. Finding tops that fit would be nice and I could do without always shifting clothes for comfort. My chest could be more a part of me instead of entering a room before the rest of my frame. Despite my complaints I'm happy with my body, this is the lot I've been handed and I'm fine with that. My chest is really a non issue if not for the occasional discomfort from muscle cramping. I believe everyone has to do what's best for them and for me, I'll never go for it, I’m a big coward. My worry wart dad ingrained a cautionary personality. I hear the horror stories, and yes, of course, that’s all one ever hears, but where there’s smoke there’s fire so it’s something that needs to weigh in on the decision making. Even a one in a million screw up is grim odds for me. I wouldn’t want something nasty to happened and be that person who died due to complications of unnecessary breast augmentation. I’d never live that down……
So not every day you get to see boobies at work. It was definitely a different, educational and thought provoking day. Sue and I were impressed by the woman’s candour and ability to bare it all. She is definitely the poster child for breast reduction with her amazing success story and I just have to add, she has one incredible rack! So....one wonders what might happen next……………..

Coincidentally, there must be something in the water as the two previous winners were both from my neck of the woods. So lets see if we can get a winner from across Canada or from one of our hooking sisters south of us. Good luck all!