It was never truer on Saturday at my first beginner class of 2019. These women were fun and talented and took to rug hooking like fish to water. I can’t think of a better way to spend my time than teaching the technique of rug hooking to a group of delightful women that wish to broaden their artistic talents and add another fiber art to their portfolio. I was suitably impressed with their efforts and enthusiasm.
But on this particular day there was something else afoot, working behind the scenes. I found myself in the presence of two exceptional women whose energy lit up the room and I believe if I was gifted at seeing auras, theirs would have blinded me.
It’s amazing how strangers can cause such an emotional reaction. I’m usually quite excited from teaching and come away from the experience elated, but these gals drove it up a notch to make me feel like I was walking on air. And call me crazy but after the class, I felt sad as they walked out the door. I know this must sound superduper, stalker type weird, but there was something about them that drew me in and sucked the 'poor me' right out of my being.
I know I’ve been in need of an emotional enema lately. I’ve been feeling lower than the sole of a shoe for most of 2018 and I’ve been working hard to get it to ankle height so far in 2019, and was feeling optimistic I’d make it to a knee or perhaps a thigh by summer. These infectious gals scraped me off the floor and took my mood to the top of my crown in one felled swoop. If only I could bottle their personal magnetism, I’d be snorting it daily and world peace would be plausible.
Anyway, I don’t want to drone on but I walked away from the shop in a bit of a question mark??? I recanted the conversations we had to hubby in the car on the way home until I’d hammered it flat and ran out of words to describe the positive energy that had zapped me. I’m never like this. I’m not a person who gets excited that easily, my feet are planted a foot deep and my personality is more of a flat liner than any kind of zigzagging arrhythmia.
You can learn a lot about a person in a short conversation and their positivity and optimism was absolutely contagious. Anyway, I felt compelled to share this, putting my mental competency on the line. It was just a weird and wonderful experience to be touched by strangers in such a way that it rewired my brain for the rest of the weekend.