It’s hot, their favourite condition for breeding. Hot means rot so the fruit needs to go into the fridge, after all they aren’t called broccoli flies although, even veggie matter will start to punk up if not taken out to the composter. A couple of nights of not doing the dishes and they are sneaking in through the crack in the screen door, bringing all their friends with them.
I’ve been busy with the boat so the dishes have been piling up since hubby left. I’m a hard worker but I can’t do everything and by the time I roll into the house after working in the garage, the messy kitchen doesn’t even register. My mom used to say, “He’s a smart man but he can’t chew rubber” and I’m not exactly sure what this means but think it might apply. I smile when I think of this, I haven’t heard it since I was a child. It might be a Springhill colloquialism, my mom’s childhood home. I tried looking it up on the internet and you know how when you start typing a phrase it recognizes it from previous searches and shows you the link, well not this time, it had no idea what I was typing. Gotcha puter! You don’t know everything!
I think the saying means he can’t do it all so that’s my excuse for not doing the dishes. Hmmm....can’t chew rubber.....hmmmm....I wonder if gum would qualify, maybe I could do it all! My mom had a lot of strange little sayings that I’ve not heard before like our dye book title “SkyBluePink With A Green Smell. I think everyone is familiar with the first part but not one person has ever told me they heard of the “With A Green Smell” ending. As a child, when I would ask what mom was making for dinner she would say, “sky blue pink with a green smell”.
One of the little winged pests just brazenly flew by my face, as if asking to be sucked into the churning vortex. Little beggars, I’ll be chasing them for a month of Sundays. If you kill one, it seems twenty more come out of nowhere. The fact that they are continually hatching from the hundreds of eggs laid by the female will keep me in business. I’ve cleaned up the kitchen and emptied the small composter into the large one outside. There isn’t a scrap of food to dine on, not a crumb to be found. Be gone pests!
A couple of interesting tidbits about this fascinating insect. At room temperature fruit flies can develop into adults within one to two weeks. The adult fruit fly lives for several weeks. Twenty four hours after a female fruit fly lays her eggs, the larvae hatch. No wonder they can go from a few to a slew so quickly.
They are so tiny it is difficult to see how utterly beautiful the adult fly is. Nature is amazing! They have interesting mating rituals, if interested look it up sometime. For such tiny creatures, they are rather amorous. My kitchen is seeing a lot of action, just sayin!