Those kinds words will pilot my entire week and the humidity and heat won’t be able to dampen my spirits. I am titanium; nothing will bend or break me. Right now I feel as if I could leap tall buildings and deflect bullets. Compliments are better than paycheques and provide more comfort that money in the bank.
It made my day and my evening. We work very hard to offer quality and have an easily navigated website that shows all our products. For those who can’t visit and touch the wares we provide excellent quality photos to have the “almost here” experience. I write blogs to share my day and hooking knowledge and post on Facebook some of the wonderful people who visit the shop and share any rugs brought in so we can all bask in the glow. I am constantly posting ideas and eye-candy to inspire and receiving feedback for my diligence is fabulous! Thank-you Carole for making my day!
And other news.....Heather Gordon was by for the daytime hook-in last week and I was telling her about my poster idea with the Initially Yours patterns and she one upped me with an even better idea. She said I should make these alphabet rugs into a book. I don’t know why I didn’t think of it myself but luckily Heather did! In the book I will describe the process of each piece, offer beautiful colour plates of the design, the wool used and then the finished piece. With dye formulas, story lines and maybe some of the lovely comments left by you on my blog posts or Facebook. I’ve already started the writing and I’ll do each featured initial as I hook them so by the time I finish the series, the book will be ready to go to the printers. Very exciting stuff!!! I’ve always wanted to do a book on Nova Scotia Rug Hookers and this will dip my toes in the publishing waters.