All dyed wools are on our site:
Once again, I hooked all the colour using a #6 and all the plaids in a #8. This brown was so fabulous I didn't even have to wash it to felt it. The weave was very dense and I was in a hurry so I cut it as is. I'll be using a piece of this as the backing for the pillow this rug will be made into.
I hooked the E a bit different this time. I needed to use the middle value Bittersweet against the darker background of the brown plaid as the third and darkest value, the herringbone, didn't stand out. I like the effect. There is so much you can do to make these letters sing!
I also hooked the Anjou Pear flowers with the lightest value to the outside for more contrast as well. The E represents my father's name, Earle. I know he would have loved these colours. I only wish he was here so I could him this pillow........