This fun design is a gift for her daughter, Terry Lynn. Of course my first question was "Is this the way she visits the clothes line?" but, pardon the pun, it's just a bit of fun.
The rug is hooked in all new wool and had many little bits and pieces to give it a bit of sparkle and fun. The voluptuous bum is sculpted and I tried to capture that in the pictures below but I think maybe the one where Bernice is holding it up shows the roundness best. Too funny! The hat and feather add to the whimsy and the wonderful red rubber boots are fabulous. After the rug is bound she plans to add the little pins on each piece of clothing which were purchased at Michaels.
There is an outhouse on the right side that was initially meant to be a building but an outside pooper fit better with the fun theme. She added fleece for the clouds and there is a gold toned chain for KK's collar that was found at a flea market. She used thin gold threads to outline the wash basket and other objects for highlights. There is as rhinestone button that came from a shirt sewn on the purple pants, and curly mohair on the full body underwear to the left. The sun is sculpted with a vibrant yellow. What a lovely sunny day to hand wash!