Now I’m consumed by the Initially Yours patterns. I want to sit and hook them all which comes with a load of frustration that I can’t do them fast enough. Like all true obsessions this current one is ruling my life. I can’t sleep because my brain is colour planning and I’m staying up way too late at night when I should be in bed, not that I sleep when I crawl under the covers, because I’m colour planning!!!!!
Words that best describe me are that my eyes are bigger than my stomach. This statement usually pertains to food and I’ve had plenty of obsessions there as well, but overall it describes me to a T. Some might say it’s a bit manic but for me I get excited about different things at different times, I focus with tunnel vision on the topic of the day and those thoughts fill my brain exclusively until I move on to the next big idea. With my Initially Yours patterns, I hope I can keep up the momentum to do all 26. I have 6 completed now, 20 more to go and that seems daunting. Twenty!!! I might need a hurrah from the crowd to keep it up! The killer of this desire will be procrastination, an annoying attribute I’ve not been able to conquer. I bought a book once on how to cure myself of putting things off, but of course I didn’t finish it….. Hopefully the fuel that flames my butt keeps burning hot and strong so I don’t become complacent in this latest dream.
I brought two new patterns home for the holiday, not that I have a chance in heck of getting them both done. I have the M and the O. The M is for McWhirter, Shane’s surname and the O is for Olsen, by grandparents on my mother’s side. The dilemma is which one to start first. If only I could tackle them both at one time but I have to be strong, I have to regiment myself to do one at time or past behavior dictates there will be a pile of semi-finished initials around the shop. If only I didn’t have to sleep and eat or go to work or perform daily functions, I would be able to bull ahead 24/7 and get them done by the middle of August. I can visualize them finished and made into a poster and I want to bring that to fruition asap because Christmas is a comin and I have more stockings to hook!
I had the O all ready to go with a palette of greens and purples, two very complementary colours but Shane has been giving me heck, apparently when I first started hooking the initials I promised him an M pillow for his apartment so I drew off the pattern yesterday and put the colours together. He wanted reds, blacks, greys and white. This intrigues me and I can see it in my head so I am dying to start it. So many itches to scratch and only two hands!
Just last week I was obsessed with the perfect garden. I can’t get too distracted with letters the weeds will creep back…..I have to balance all the compulsions. I jump from one thing to the next like a frog on lily pads. If only cloning could be perfected. I would love to have four or five of me to do all the grunt work, the housekeeping, the shop, the gardens, chief cook and bottle washer while I sit on my rump and hook or do the fun things in life. Right now it is so stinking hot outside it snatches the breath away. We are out long enough for the pups to pee and spray down my thirsty annuals and then back to the cool, dry air of the heat pump. Mr Fixit guy came over last evening and now my house is Nirvana! Even the pups don’t want to sit outside; they lift their legs and then run for the door.
So last night I finished the B and I was itching to start a new one but the clock hands were rolling up to 1:00 am and the angel part of my brain said it was time for bed reviled by the little devil that wanted to play some more, chase the endorphin rush of putting loops down on a fresh new backing. Usually I finish one project and then go to the studio to put together all the ingredients for the next one but this time two are all ready to go on the kitchen island. The temptation was strong to jump right in. This morning I awoke to the decision that the M is next and as soon as I post this I’ll assume the position on my favourite hooking chair, and tune in Juno, a movie I taped the other evening. The star, Ellen Page is from Halifax, NS. I must be the very last person in Canada to see this! The movie won an Academy Award for best original screen play.