Imagine it in yours with your colours!
18" x 18" with outside border, 16" x 16" without border.

Everyone loves the little do-drop-in seating area at the front of the shop. It’s no Studio 54 or anything of that caliber, but it’s becoming a thriving, pulsating, hot place to hang so we decided to give it a name. Of course hubby came up with the perfect title without a moment’s hesitation. “Hook Nook” sort of says it all and I immediately thought “pillow” to commemorate it.
So here is the design and now for the colour. I only had a few minutes before the hook-in to lay down the letters on the backing so it's mussed a bit, but we will be selling the pattern drawn perfectly. I’m not sure if I will connect the first lines of the two K’s as in the picture or break it up into separate letters They line up nicely so I thought it might be a creative plus to add to the pillow’s charm. We’ll see how it looks when hooked and if it isn’t suitable it’ll be an easy change. I wouldn’t want the tall, linear lines to draw the eye away from the rest of the rug.
I have a delicious teal herringbone with a red thread zig-zagging through it that’s screaming to be partnered with solid red. Red is a dominant colour in the shop both inside and out, and the carpet’s field is in red so it’s the obvious choice for me. I love this bold colour! I have a red living room in my home; a decorator once said that every home should have one. I’m not trying to be trendy, I chose it because I love being wrapped in the luxury of red and of course, it perfectly complements my blue and white dish collection.
The colour red denotes many things. Red is the symbol for blood and courage. In Chinese philosophy, red represented fire, one of the five elements. Red is also the colour most commonly associated with heat, activity, passion, sexuality, anger, love and joy. In China and many other Asian countries it is the colour of happiness. I think red says it all for our sweet Hook Nook. There isn’t any teal in any of the upholstered chairs but I’m going for the eclectic look, not matchy, matchy. There is a bit of lighter teal in the carpet but that’s a stretch and the pillow is meant for a chair anyway.
This project will be a wide cut wonder, probably #7 for the background, so I get it done quickly to work on the Easter design for April. I’m thinking sizzling red letters, an Antique Red shadow along the left side to make them pop and a delicious teal and red herringbone plaid to pull it all together. The only snap of colour will be the gold in the hook that rises up out of the second O on the word Hook.
Last night was our first March Wednesday of the month hook-in and I put a big dent in the hooking by the end of the evening. Is there anything more exciting than a new project? The juices flow, there’s pep in the step and I’m floating a few inches off the ground from the adrenal rush. You know what I mean!
Only three gals showed last evening for the hook-in so we sat downstairs in the “Hook Nook”. It was a damp and chilly evening. Outside the rain pounded to the ground while we sat under true daylight bulbs working our craft and the warmth from the heat pump polished our cheeks to a healthy pink. Does it get much better than this?