Beauty and colour is in the eye of the beholder" is not just a cliche, and there could never be enough samples to satisfy the masses, but even these few suggestions showcase how beautiful different palettes can be for this particular design. It's fun to play with the varying colours and intensity, finding pleasing combinations without getting out the box of crayons or markers. Unfortunately all the colours are altered together with this program, changing them individually takes a higher degree of skill that I don't have, but I hope to take a few classes for the basics in Photoshop in the future. I would like to be able to hook a pattern using the computer by cutting and pasting existing parts of hooked rugs and forming them into the shape needed on the pattern. It would be nice to have a coloured picture on all the new designs or patterns not hooked without having to do the work.
Whenever possible we attach a colour photo of the finished rug, although most rug hookers don't follow the originals picture. They like to use it as a guide, substitute the colours they don't like for those they do. It just makes the process easier.
So most will know that the one on the top left with the lime, royal blue and turquoise is my original but I must say the red one is rather much so I might have used these colours to hook the original if I'd thought of it. I very much like the gold one below as well. Variety being the spice of life, maybe I'll print off some of these pictures to attach to the patterns to offer alternate colours choices.
Although I chuckled at all of the submissions and felt your pain and humiliation, I have to say that almost sitting on a strangers lap in the dark, with pants down and nightie pulled up, led the pack. Every time I thought of you I smiled. So Judy Grieve, you are our winner of a pair of earrings and 1/4 yard of Steel Blue Sky! Hurray!
Email me your snail mail address and I'll put your goodies in the mail!