AIN'T IT FUNNY that some folks you can't miss,
An' some folks you jus' miss a pile?
An' the folks that you can't miss you see lots,
An' the other folks, once in awhile.
Signed C.J.B

Modern days quotes on signs such as the common, "The more I get to know people the more I like my dogs" and "Relatives by appointment, FRIENDS WELCOME", or "Stupid Is Forever" are a few I see hanging around and by the tone of a lot of insulting greeting cards on the market, maybe things haven't changed. Life is too short to spend it with the disingenuous or with those who don't have your back for any reason but to stick a knife in. Maybe along life's journey you reach the end of your tether and need to commit it to writing, post signs like badges as reminders of others unkindness. Maybe words are the only way to get even, have a say. Personally I'm not about to design and hook a bunch of disgruntled rugs, I have no grudges to bear or need to hold anyone accountable, but I do respect the guts it takes to tell it like it is.
Most insult cards are meant to be humourous but the receiver might wonder in what spirit it was delivered. It seems easier to tell someone they're old and wrinkled than to say something sentimental or lovey dovey. I don't much appreciate the really mean spirited cards no matter how funny they might be, I wouldn't have the guts to send them, worried I would insult or maim. How far can you go before it's over the line. Sticks and stones can break your bones but they will heal; words on the other hand can hurt forever. Comedians carve a living out of insults, watch one of those celebrity roasts on TV and you'll see and hear things that will make you cringe. I don't think I could sit in the hot seat and be pummeled with a hurricane of insulting debris but the audience sure loves it.
I think saying rugs are interesting. They not only have great artwork but come with an explanation, something to provoke thought. I've been collecting interesting quotes and sayings for sometime and hope to design a line of patterns. Some are funny and make me smile while others are lessons to live by; maybe one or two will be mildly insulting, although nothing too wounding.
Comedy always works best when it is mean spirited..... John Cleese