I had a bit of a shitty day. Literally, not figuratively, the kind that sticks to your shoe and gets walked all over the store. Some unsuspecting soul stepped in do do again and walked it all over the carpet in my shop! Another dog was allowed to park his butt on my front patch of grass next to my step and left a little deposit that wasn't scooped up by its owner. Then it got walked all through the shop, mostly on the carpet runner and of course not seeing it, I carried the torch and walked it all around the shop as I flitted from one area to the next. So after a lot of scraping and scrubbing I carried the big bundle of paper towel outside to throw in the composter and it was no where to be found. All I could think, who in their right mind would take a stinky green composter?
The garbage man had come earlier in the morning so it should have been out front if not in its usual place beside the building but it wasn't. So I popped into the convenience store next door to ask if anyone could shed light on this mystery. Some nuisance kids carting away the cart would not be missed, those carts are noisy to roll and no one ever walks down the sidewalk with one in tow. Vandals seemed the only answer so I came up with the bright idea that it was probably chucked in the Maggie Maggie River behind our buildings as a prank. We searched along the bank and down by the bridge but no cart. All I could think of was great! First of all they cost $75.00 to replace and secondly, it's just one more thing I don't have time to deal with. So now I’m as black as the crap scraped off my shoe, (a sure sign of being fed an iron rich diet), and I’m waiting for Shane to come back from lunch so I can go over to the town hall and be advised what to do.
Then the convenience store gal came a knocking to say that the owner of the store two doors down had asked her son to retrieve their composter from the sidewalk and he took mine instead of theirs. Mystery solved but that’s a half hour I’ll never get back. I have orders to get out and a festival to prepare for, there is no time for foolishness or working myself into an unwanted sweat…it was hot today and digging through the bushes was a pain. I've been working a lot of nights, I'm a bit frazzled and will be happy when this week is over.

On my way home for dinner, I was once again taken by the beauty of the Mahone Bay Bed & Breakfast. The yellow painted, white trimmed building is the most photographed house in our little town and rightly so. The architecture and surrounding gardens are a feast for the eye. I’m sure they won’t mind if I give them a little plug. Their website is below if you're planning a trip to this area. I hear glowing accolades from customers who have stayed there. It‘s a little piece of Mahone Bay charm.
Check out the website to see the lovely appointed rooms; I was delighted to see the owners share my penchant for blue and white china. Even though I live a short distance down the road, I often think I should check in for a weekend just to get away, be pampered a bit, sit out on that lovely veranda in one of their cosy white wicker chairs and take time to smell their roses........
Click the link: http://www.mahonebaybedandbreakfast.com
Come and visit our beautiful town.
We love the beauty around us and welcome you to share it!