Hey, I read the same stories you did, but being gullible I believed them. I was also a bit bummed when I read Jack In The Beanstalk, considering I swallowed the odd apple seed. Dad, being a bit of a leg puller didn't help the cause when he said tufts would grow out of my ears. I can't tell you how much time I spent obsessing in the mirror waiting for head foliage to appear. And don't get me started on Chicken Little, I found a odd looking piece of something in my hair once.
Oh, I should tell you, if by some chance you're willing to kiss a frog, be aware there can be a delay factor, it took thirty plus years before my prince materialized, but hey, I'm not about to look a gift frog in the mouth.
I've been going through emails and picture files to find items of interest to write about. This rug doesn't need much in the way of words to describe its bold presence, just enjoy this rug as a feast for the eye! From the rouge lips to the striking pink sky this rug is clearly a winner. I never received an update of how it showed at the fall fair but, if for some unbelievable reason it didn't win a ribbon, I'll bet it turned every head passing by. I believe this work of art warranted Judge's Choice or Best In Show. I've attached the email from Madeleine that I received with the picture. I'm sure she won't mind if I share it with you. This is a piece to be proud of! Pucker up ladies!

So here it is finished, ready to be entered in a local fall fair. It is a charming design that always makes people smile and it was fun (and a lot of work!!) to do. Some of the wool was purchased and some was dyed for my "vision" by a member of our hooking group. It looks totally different from the piece on your website and I hope you like my interpretation of this whimsical design. As is always the case with hooking, I have learned more about colour and texture...
The second picture shows my cat Slater approving of the comfort it provided for his afternoon nap when I left the rug on the guest bed one day.
My husband and I LOVED our exploration of the Maritimes and plan to return before too long. A visit to see you again in Mahone Bay is a must.
Best regards