We decided to drive to the Maplewood Maple Syrup farm outside of Barss Corner. It was pretty warm and a bit sticky so we drove with the windows down and I lamented a bit that these temperatures were too high too soon, especially when having to sleep with the heat pump on cool air the night before, but all in all it was a nice drive.
We arrived at the farm and we’re immediately disappointed to find the owners are away. The website said they were open 24 hours so I never thought to phone. We noticed a display case that had a money box and various sizes of maple syrup priced to sell. There was a camera asking you to smile while it watched over the honour system of help yourself and pay. I was after Maple butter so it was quite disappointing but because we were there we picked up a few bottles of syrup. I must say I felt a bit creepy putting money in the jar and taking product. I wondered how that would work at my shop, leave money and take wool? Then the logical part of my brain started running scenarios. What if someone came after us and took our money out while helping themselves to free syrup and we were the only ones that could be identified as locals. If I was young and innocent, thrusting the world might seem reasonable, but after having my shop picked over by clever cleptos, the entire process made me queasy. I paid for my syrup but somehow I felt dishonest as we drove away.
We drove home the Bridgewater way and passed the Turkey Burger Restaurant halfway there. The parking lot was jammed but we decided to chance getting a table. The building was extensively renovated since the last time we were there so I didn’t recognize the place with it’s open concept, brightly painted interior. They were offering a mother’s day special and the place was booming with early diners and chatter. At first glance it was a discouraging full house but a couple at a table motioned to us that they were leaving so we slid into the booth and placed our order. Gregg went with the signature hot turkey sandwich, that they are famous for if the name didn’t give it away, and I had the Moyle Burger. I’m not eating anything white these days so bread is off my list so I removed the bun and ate the double patty with a knife and fork. It was delicious and we were both stuffed and about ready to leave when the door opened and in walked a bizarre looking hat on top of a small sized older gent that beamed from ear to ear under his wacky chapeau. It was apparent that most folks knew him because he started engaging with people at their tables.
When the owner came by with our check he told me that the burger I ordered was named after this fellow, Moyle Dauphinee. He said the guy was a local celebrity and one of the nicest fellows you could ever meet. He was wearing an orange hardhat with long feathers stuck in both sides. He seemed like a character so we asked if I could take his picture and he was more than happy to oblige. His arm quickly fastened around my waist as he moved in for his cameo.
Then he whipped out a business card and pointed to a woman's picture and asked if I knew who this person was. It was Suzanne Lohnes Croft, MLA and on the back was written July 10th and he told us that was her birthday. Suzanne and I are bay girls, we attended the same school and were in the same grade. It was apparent that the card was in his pocket for some time, was dog eared and a bit grungy and faded, but I could still make out Suzanne’s beautiful smile. I’m still not sure of the significance of his showing it to me…..but I did notice later that she was on his fan club Facebook page when I checked the guy out. Maybe he had a little crush or maybe it was one local celebrity name dropping another?
When we paid for our meal the owner filled in some blanks. Before Moyle retired, he directed traffic and while working he found a feather and stuck it in his hardhat. One feather lead to another until he had a full headdress. That started the ball rolling and then people were driving up to him with feathers to add to his collection. He became well known for his hard hat and it went viral from there. Now he has a fan club with 668 followers that friends manage for him. He told us that he doesn’t personally own a computer but relies on friends to share with him.
One of his lady friends dyed his hair red so he has a flaming plume in a brush cut style. Apparently he has many lady friends or maybe friends that are ladies, either way, that tidbit came across loud and clear. There is a video on the internet where he is doing the light fantastic with several gals in front of an outdoor stage at a Riverfest concert. Moyle is rocking like a man half his age. Go Moyle!
You could tell he has a heart of gold and is as jolly as old Santa himself, loving life and all the attention bestowed on him. He attends the local parades and has many well wishers. He’s a frequent visitor to the Turkey Burger restaurant that named a burger after him. When mine was served there was a blue feather stuck in the center of the bun and I thought it a strange garnish instead of the normal toothpick but I found out it’s done in Moyle’s honour. They call him a local celebrity and his fame fans far and wide. If you like, check out Moyle's Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/groups/2381264315/
If good food is what you are after, check out the Turkey Burger Restaurant.
1671 Hwy 10, Bridgewater, NS 902-530-0003