When I first opened business back in 2000 and got my first website up and running, I had the ability to keep track of the daily stats to record the hits to the site, how many people found it through a search engine, etc. Each day I noted 12-25 visits. That was thirteen years ago and pretty good attention for the times, whereas today that’s peanuts, expecting 500 – 1000 visitors per day. The program also told you where the hits were coming from, whether US or Canada, and showed the internet provider the search originated from. Like planting a bean and watching it sprout and grow, I checked it daily to track how popular the site was becoming and who was showing interest.
So this one day I looked to find 600 hits! 600 people visited my shop in one day! 600!!! I almost fell off my chair! So I did the reasonable thing, I sharpened my pencil and waited for the phone to ring. Surely that much interest would result in an order or two because I’d obviously hit the big time baby!
Hours ticked by and nothing happened. So I went back to check the stats origins. I peeled away the layers to discover there must have been a naval ship in port because every hit came from the ‘US Navy’ from a server in Halifax. Sailors, on shore leave, were searching for a little hooking action and the meta-tags directed them to my site. So, I didn’t get any calls, obviously my kind of hooking wasn't the handwork they were hoping for……