Hi Christine,
Thank-you for contacting Hope for Wildlife regarding the little Mink you brought in! He is indeed a mink, not a weasel, but he is just a little guy! He is still a little dopey from his bonk on the head, but we could find no other injuries. We are keeping him comfortable with some pain medication, a quiet bed and good food so he can rest and concentrate on healing.
Thank-you for giving this little guy a second chance. It is because of people like you that Hope for Wildlife exists!
I must say that little guy wasn’t far from my thoughts since we delivered him to the Society on Thursday. I took the optimistic stance and used the no news is good news scenario. Hearing that the little guy is going to be okay brought tears my eyes and hubby had a bit of mist and a sniffle as well.
Coincidentally, we just happened to notice the TV show, Hope for Wildlife Friday evening and watched an episode of releasing deer and a bob cat back into the wild. Within just a day, I went from not knowing of their existence to watching their show. Boy, I need to get out more! All this good stuff going on around me and I’m in the dark! The Society is always looking for volunteers and it is unfortunate that we live so far away or I’d be planted on their doorstep but if you live handy to Dartmouth maybe you could spare an hour or two a week to help this worthy cause!! Thank-you Dr. Barry and all the other volunteers for giving this story a happy ending!
I wanted to call the little Mink “Lucky” but didn’t think it appropriate to put a moniker on a wild animal, but in my heart, that’s what I call him. Have a long and happy life little fellow!