So I survived in spite of it and I don’t mind taking a chance or two but the residual worry creeps in when it comes to my babies. I’m always on the alert for danger ahead. Who knows how many disasters I’ve averted through constant diligence and a scoping eye?
It would be nice to be the water off the back type but I think that is a gift at birth. You can’t grow a thick skin just because the desire is there. Suppressing all the angst to cover it with a carefree sheath would be a Band-Aid fix. The least bit of rough sea and it would lose its stick.
So I have my little pack back together and I’m a happy woman. Little Jake wants to cuddle and lay his healing body next to mine and I’m in mommy heaven. He’s such a gentle little guy and sweet. He woke up pretty quickly after the surgery and was crying for me. The chap that was installing the door chimes showed up so I couldn’t leave the store early and was late picking the little guy up. He cried for three hours straight, until he heard my voice on the other side of the counter. All I could think was, you poor people.
Jake is special. He likes me in his line of vision at all times. I’m not happy about this because I don’t think it’s healthy, and I haven’t promoted it but after five poodles I know they come with different personalities and this is just one of his quirks. All my other dogs are fine, Louis, the one who died was like that too, maybe it’s a boy thing? So life will go on for a few weeks and then it will be Henri’s turn at the snip, more worry for sure.
So yesterday was a bit of a “ruff” day on all accounts. It seems I’ve been struck down with a pesky little sickness. I suppose it’s an illness, there’s pain and suffering and a pill to fix it. For some reason, out of the blue, I’ve been hit with migraines. It first happened just the other night while watching TV and my eyes starting going blurry and out of focus. I couldn’t see the face of the person but all the surrounding areas. Shortly after a headaches started to skirt across my brain, putting my head in a gigantic vice. I complained that I must be getting something, like a cold or flu. I never get headaches, mostly because I’m a big water drinker, keeping my mind and body hydrated so a headache has no place to park.
Then it happened again yesterday at the shop. I started seeing flashing lights like a kaleidoscope and then a few minutes later the headache hit like a freight train.
I’m still hoping it's something I ate and it will leave my system as quickly as it invaded. I just got rid of the big monthly curse and figure the remaining years would be smooth sailing, except for all the old age stuff like dementia and organ breakdown so I don’t look forward to another curse at this point in my life.
I’ve been doing research on the internet and it seems change in diet is one of the causes. Being a diabetic I pretty much stick to my homemade things and deviate very little but with company over the past couple of weeks I was throwing down a lot of different things. The heat and stress can be a factor. Worrying about my pup was a big concern. Busy at work implementing new things, my gardens are piling up with four foot weeds. This heat is devastating for me. I swell like a ballpark frank and feel positively awful.
So now I might be a person with migraines. Just another stumbling block when I’m too busy to have such things. So I’m wearing shades to work today and I’m feeling all mysterious. I’m sporting a sexy pair of Fitovers, a great little invention of sunglasses worn over regular glasses. They cover the front and side for more darkening. I bought them from the shopping channel a while back, drawn in by the sales pitch and was surprised that they did exactly what they said they would. Truth in advertising is usually a misnomer but this time I was pleased that my money was well spent!
Tonight I am going to bed early and plan to sleep all day on Sunday. When I come out the other end I hope to feel refreshed and rejuvenated. Maybe it’s a lofty dream, I am getting older and there are changes after the “change” but I can hope can’t I?