As a shop we are no stranger to theft. It’s a sad part of retail that I can’t quite wrap my head around. I think if I couldn’t afford to hook I might look for other ways to be creative than run to a local shop and stuff my purse full of contraband. If anyone has to steal wool, maybe this isn’t the craft for you.
Of course not all thieves steal because they can’t afford the goods. Case and point there is a couple that come in and the wife is decked out in brand labels from head to toe. I’m sure every outfit I’ve seen had a price tag of $500- $1000. She looks like she walked off the runway and there’s no denying she has an incredible sense of style. I may be a plain Jane but I know quality when I see it! While she’s looking like a million he pockets cutter blades and goodness knows what else I may have missed before I caught on to him. Now I don’t give him the opportunity to shop lift, sticking to him like a flea on a dog, maybe the reason why he hasn’t been in for a while. I wonder if he steals because his wife bankrupts them with her shopaholic ways….but then again maybe she’s a pilfering fashionista.
I never understood the need to take something that doesn’t belong to me. Where is the pride of ownership in that? I couldn’t sleep at night. They made a mistake at the dollar store the other day and rang through one set of aluminum trays when I had three. I went back into the store to pay the $2.00 plus tax, although not much money, a heavy cost to my conscience if I’d ignored it.
Anyway, look out for the Hot Fingered Quartet. If rumours are true, they were caught in one shop in Lunenburg and had to hand over their haul. Somewhere on Facebook their pictures are circulating but I haven’t been able to find them. We are all on alert here and are offering a special for these gals, so come on down for a five finger discount and go for the grand prize draw! We are offering a lovely ride in a cop car and tour of the local police station!