I've always loved curly hair. If ever envy creeps into my bones, it's because I'm lusting over locks of wild hair. Mine is straight as a line and even less interesting. Who wants hair that goes from point A to point B without any detours?
I'm told I have a lot of hair, it's just fine, so my ponytail is no bigger than the circumference of a flea's waist. It lays limp on my head like a wet towel and when it's humid or raining it sticks to me like duct tape. So to hear the curly haired folk complain that the rain makes their hair go even curlier I spit in your general direction. Get some real problems to crow about. Geez! You hit the lottery with the hair gene and don't appreciate it. If only we could do an injection, share a needle back and forth so we both get what we want. I hear it often, no one likes their own hair, straight likes curly and curly likes straight. Well, all I can say is if I can't come back with a head full of curls, I'd be happy just being a curly critter!
When my friend Susan had cancer the chemo made her hair fall out and then it grew back curly. She explained this can happen and we joked about it being worth it cause she liked the curls as well. Desiring curly hair my whole life, I shamefully admit it flashed through my head that it would be advantageous to get cancer.....sigh, damn random thoughts, you can't help what pops into your head and I squashed it like a bug on the wall but it's a testimony on how badly I've wanted curls, but believe me, I'm not willing to get sick or die for them.
So you might ask, why don't I just get a perm? I used to before I had environmental sickness. I was curly for decades, every six months I was permed and curled to perfection. My hairdresser would use the big rollers so the curls were loose and natural looking. I never felt more pretty when my hair had some substance; somehow I felt special with the wavy locks. But then my immune system crashed and I could no longer condone the excessive and unnecessary chemicals that were absorbing into and taxing my body. Nail polish was another luxury I had to give up. Man made products made me sick, and now that I'm better I can't justify or risk putting myself in harms way again. So I'm a plain Jane now and I'll take that look to my grave.
The sheep on Brier Island have exactly what I like…an abundance of curls and a silky sheen that glimmers like satin. I've been dyeing up a storm for the last few days. The shop has been rather busy all summer so the bag of uncarded fleece was crying out to me and with a bus load of hookers arriving on Monday what better time to get it done and displayed to add to the colour explosion that will greet the gals as they come through the door.
What divine colours have come out of my pans. Wowsa! I tried various shades of the main colour and added a bit of this and that for contrast and depth. I love the multi-coloured ones too. We have a new abrash formula called Paradise and it’s so delicious customers were buying half yard pieces off the drying rack and taking it home wet, so I cooked up Paradise roving bundles to coordinate with the fabric for those whimsical bits in sky or water.
So I’m in love with roving, want to play with it some more and dye up other colours. I mixed a dark auburn/burgundy formula that’s perfect for a sassy mermaid. It’s so richly saturated with colour I predict it will sell immediately and I’ve been considering hoarding a bit for a project I’ve been dreaming about.
So I designed a label and spent the day making the bundles and tying them up. Lots of work but it was like playing in a toy factory, work is never a chore when you’re inspired by it. An added perk is soft hands, from the traces of lanolin in the wool.
The roving gets the seal of approval of Fiz, my red toy poodle. It must smell interesting. I kept the dried pieces in a box and twice I caught her sneaking out a large section to take to the other room to lie on. Of course I didn’t allow that and got her a towel but I don't think she thought much of the substitution. Little princess! I wonder if she'd feel a pea under her mattress? It was a rather intelligent thing to do and I wondered why she settled on the colour she choose. Poodles are smart, but to make a bed and then lie in it? My dogs are obviously genius! Henri, my cream boy miniature, does the same when I’m at the computer working. He’ll drag his dog bed over so he can lie close to me.
So the shop is coming together. I’ll take pictures in a day or so as the rugs need to be hung and a bit of fussing over this and that but on the whole it’s looking fab and these late nights are paying off in spades. Shane worked with me this evening dyeing up bundles to stack on the shelves. I think he did about 20 yards worth. Some lovely pumpkin colours for the upcoming season.
Well it’s time for bed. I’m so excited I wish it was already tomorrow so I can go in and play around in my store....except for the absence of curly hair, I have a charmed life!