I don’t sweat at least not doing everyday things. I can wear a top until it gets soiled and I do. I’m no slave to laundry and most of the time I have so much backlogged I have to wear an item more than once or go naked. I don’t know the laundry habits of others but I don’t find anything wrong with wearing a piece of clothing more than once if it isn't stained but maybe that’s a redneck thing to do? So now that you know my dirty little secret I’ll continue.
So I’m too tired to cook and have to go back to work so I bought a Save Easy roasted chicken for me and the pups, throw together a salad and I’m sitting in front of the TV watching a few taped programs of Coronation Street, secure in knowing there is no one around to see me. Oh, and I wash my face as soon as I get home to give it a rest from make-up and that’s a frightful thing so I'm happy no one is there to see me. I’m relaxed and as happy as a pig in a trough.
So roll ahead an hour and the dogs wake me from a very deep sleep. The night before I was awake, tossing and turning until 5:00 a.m. so it didn’t take much to drift off. There is nothing like waking to four dogs losing their minds in an attempt to warn me of an intruder. So I focus on the back door that had been left open with only a screen between me and whoever was standing on the porch. I’m still a bit disoriented and as my eyes clear, I see Armenia Corkum standing on the mat, now being jumped on and licked by my guard dogs. It didn’t take long for me to realize I was in my bra, plate on my lap and no makeup. Horror hits me like a mac truck.
I dashed to the study grabbing my shirt off the sofa back as I flee. Now decent, I'm buttoning it up on my way to the kitchen. She said she didn’t see anything and for her it wouldn’t have mattered but it could have been anyone standing there; I don’t even want to think about it! That afternoon we’d phoned everyone on the list but Armeniia wasn’t at the cottage and didn’t get the message about the hook-in being cancelled. Oooops!
I’d cancelled out of sheer exhaustion. The night before there was a trip to the airport and then no sleep until early morn and it was crazy again yesterday at the shop. Considering previous years, crazy is a good thing, but that leaves little time to address orders during the day. We are trying to move into the new space and all is ready to go except for the shifting of shelves and staging the shop, which all falls on my plate...I'm anal and need things just so. I just need a few hours to play! In the meantime, we are working like machines and almost have everything finished on the order board and I taste sweet victory, so your parcels are on the way! Then I can concentrate on making the new space as cozy as the rest of the shop.
So after being awakened and slightly refreshed I went back into work. Every night this week I need to dye wool and prepare items for the shop. I dyed half of the roving that’s been sitting around for months and worked on a couple of patterns to be darkened today. By the time I left the shop it was 1:30, looking forward to getting horizontal and hopefully finding sleep!
So here is a pic of some of the roving I dyed for little bundles. It was fun. The curls of the wool are fabulous and the shine of the colour divine! Tonight I’ll finish off the rest of the roving with more jewel tones and some earthy colours. Then to weigh and assemble into bundles and design a tag. What a delightful splash of colour this will provide for the studio.