The way in which each of us views colour is unique. Our vision is tremendously complex and sensitive. Many external factors, such as lighting, adjacent colour and surface texture influence how we see colour. In the book they stick to some simple colour principles which can help you to successfully mix colour. Master these and you will be able to mix colours with confidence.

It's hard to imagine a more comprehensive look at color scheme possibilities.
--Los Angeles Times
What a cool idea for the color challenged among us... 200 combinations fit for a king and queen and their royal family.
When it comes to decorating, the endless color choices available are enough to overwhelm the most determined home decorator. The Color Scheme Bible solves that problem and this lay-flat paperback edition is sure to be a popular choice.
With 200 color scheme ideas to choose from, The Color Scheme Bible is an easy-to-use and inspiring reference to using color in the home. It describes how colors interact and the effects they have on a room. It explains how to choose colors that complement each other for a subdued effect, and which colors and combinations energize.
And for those of you who experiment and dye wool to sell, this book is also a great source for names to suit each new colour.
Features include:
How color creates ambiance and atmosphere
- Colour Theory
- Colour palette directory
- Using a colour scrapbook
- How to make a mood board*
- Colour and emotions
- Colour and mood
- 200 distinctive color schemes inspired by nature, art, travel, and even a favorite possession
- 50 recommended palettes
- A "How to Use This Book" guide
*Mood boards are an inspirational collection of items to help in choosing specific colours, patterns and combinations. Paint chips, wool snippets, wallpaper, magazine coloured photos, upholstery fabric etc. The items are a representation of your research and taste.
Below are but a few of the samples of the 200 colour schemes in the book.