The cons go on and on, but on the pro side of the list, hubby came home last evening so reinforcement has arrived. I now have someone to share the work and contribute more blood, sweat and tears to the bucket I’ve been filling. I get so tired of being a Lone Ranger and his presence lightens the load mentally as well as physically.
I usually don’t mind being alone, I like beating to my own rhythm and this is our life, so I either like it and be happy or lump it and be down in the dumps. Being alone, at times, can have its advantages or maybe they’re disadvantages, depending on whether the glass is half full or half empty…actually I don’t get it….either way the glass could use more of something, it’s less than all it can be. How is it good to be happy with half of something? Aren’t we supposed to shoot for the stars instead of settling for the clouds?
So….I’ve been exhausted and wallowing in self-pity and that’s best done in private. No one wants to look at, or be with a wallower, unless of course they’re misery….apparently misery loves company. Not sure where that saying came from either because when I’m down I want to be left the heck alone.
When alone, I can be lazy without a witness, in those rare moments when nothing presses to be done. Yah right….like that ever happens! I would kill to have a rare moment to be lazy and then you’d see some mighty fine do nothing, be slothful, sluggish, lethargic, languorous, award winning lazy. I would give a finger and a toe to have a few days that didn’t have lists or appointments attached to it. No stress, no pressure, do whatever I want kind of day. Like lying in bed staring at the ceiling until my eyes cross or bedsores attack me, whatever comes first. But enough about me…….
Just when things couldn't get worse....another joy of my life pops up….. ticks! I picked one off of a pup this morning. This is the fall cycle, harder to find in the longer hair. Luckily I’m a mighty flea and tick hunter! My fingers are like brail readers, the tiniest hump can’t hide from their sensitivity. If a tick bothers my pack, they don’t stand a chance and end their life on the water slide, swirling down the drain.
Speaking of arachnids, yesterday, one of the jobs was to wash the spider crap off the window ledges, clear away the webs and the carcasses of the hundreds, perhaps thousands of victims that got caught in the webs. The spiders are those fat bodied ones with hairy legs. They’re so large it’s like murder if you kill them. I tried the relocation program with varying degrees of success. It’s absolutely gross to squash a spider that large so I avoid it whenever I can but they have to go, it’s my house and I need to paint. The painter’s slogan is “If it doesn’t move, paint it and if it does moves, paint it!” but that’s just mean and I’d end up with a lumpy job.
I’ll get a good night’s sleep tonight and be back at my post tomorrow, hopefully bright eyed and bushy tailed…another stupid saying......