I won’ be wearing mascara anytime soon. I’m not going near that eye or provoking any future problems. It’s not healthy for the eye anyway; they’re the most absorbent parts of the body. Chemicals seep directly into the shin and are then free to roam around the body helping to weaken the immune system. I’m putting aside my vanity to heal properly. No foreign agents in there to mess it about. I’ll be look like a bulgy eyed preteen for a while.
I’m practically an albino without makeup. Only my hands show a bit of colour, the rest of me is potato white. I have no discernible eye lashes until I coat them black. They are actually long but colourless so you have to get up close and personal to see them. My eyebrows are almost faded into oblivion, mostly because they are white from age, but even as a teenage they weren’t prominent to my overall look. My lips are fading as the pigment deserts them. If only the red, broken veins on my cheeks would follow suit I’d be over the moon. I’m going to have to get artistic with makeup. I’ll just paint my eyebrows darker to overcompensate for the bland, pasty skin behind my glasses. Dig out the bright red lipstick and maybe apply rouge on the cheeks to draw away from my dull eyes. I’ll look like a Nonagenarian whose failing vision prevents them seeing what’s in the mirror, those painted old ladies at the church social we always smile at and promise ourselves we’ll never be. I'm told this is what I can look forward too as I get older; oh goody, flat boobs, sagging arse, thinning hair, wrinkles and purple veins cascading down the back of my legs wasn't enough!
My left eye still isn’t opened as wide as the good one, perhaps I’ve weakened the lid with all the dope I’ve been squirting into it. Drops for lubrication, drops for infection, and drops to keep my lid from fusing to my eyeball that could rip off the new growth on my cornea. Apparently the diagnosis is something called “Spontaneous Corneal Abrasion”. Sound perfectly delightful right? Apparently my eye dried out through the night and the lid stuck to the eyeball and when I awoke and opened it, a tear resulted. Blinking throughout the day abraded it and voila, pain and suffering.
Apparently the new skin on my cornea is very soft and can be easily ripped off again so now I am on drops for my eyes for three months at bedtime until it hardens and can withstand the eyelid rubbing up and down. The drop burns like hell fires and coats my eye leaving blurriness throughout the day. I’ve been reading in bed to calm the brain and slide into sleep and I learned after the first application not to take the drop until the book is closed because then I couldn’t focus on the print. Of course, turning out the light and then popping the drop in sure is startling when the acid like liquid coats my eyeball. Not anything that promotes sleep by any means. I was also given a drop for daytime but my eyes are not dry. I can feel the moisture when I blink, I can see it in the mirror. I hate taking anything medicated or not natural to my body so it’s a struggle. I haven’t been to the drugstore in years and now I have four prescribed bottles of drops under my belt. The stuff isn’t cheap either.
Anyway, this afternoon I’m feeling much better so hopefully I’ll go to work tomorrow without having to wear shades and this will be behind me and I’ll never have to talk about my eyes again. Although I will admit, this incident has chipped maybe 4% off my angst. I’m able to talk about it now with fewer quirky hand motions and hair pulling each time. Charlene commented how well I was handling it all on Saturday when a customer came in and asked how I was doing with my problem. There’s hope for me yet!