My credit card has been compromised! Never before did I full understand what that meant but now it has hit me harder than a baseball bat, a steel one at that, or perhaps I should say “steal”. Some sleazy criminal in Florida charged several items to my business Visa. Thousands of dollars! Yes I’ll get the money back, the credit card company assures me that all will be fixed but the inconvenience of an fraud investigation and waiting for a replacement card for two weeks hurts. You sleazy bastard, if only you’d spend as much time following legal pursuits you would be successful, but no, you feel entitled, like something is owed to your sorry ass and you have no conscience executing evil deeds. I hope you rot in hell!
Before today’s event, the most annoying experience from using a credit card came by way of ordering a Christmas present for hubby online, from what I believed to be a reputable company. Almost instantly the sex garbage starting clogging up my email inbox. The company must have sold my email address so now I get at least 30-50 ads a day about penis enlargement, someone wanting to be my F@$% Buddy, Girl on Girl action, Penisole...whatever that is, pills to enhance my sex life, male Viagra, female Viagra and things to let me experience what I’ve been missing. What I’ve been missing is peace of mind with all this crap coming into my life. I don’t like spam! (Not you Monty Python!)
It’s frustrating living in times when so much corruption, greed and illegal activity is plaguing us. Sometimes listening to the news at night I want to stick my head in the oven. People are skilled at hurting one another, that’s a given, turn you back for a second and feel the knife between the ribs. You have to walk around with eyes in the back of your head and a gun in your pocket. Say what you want about the United States gun laws, at least you can own one. Here in Canada you have to go through the wringer, and be forced to join a rod and gun club and then follow a strict storage regime to get one. If you said you wanted it for protection they’d laugh you out of the registration office. It’s easier to adopt a baby than own a hand gun in Canada and I want one, no not a baby, a gun!
Our laws don’t back up the person trying to defend and protect their family, their property. If someone breaks into your house and they have a knife and you have a gun, and you cause bodily harm to the person intent on hurting you, then you can be carted off to jail. Force has to match force so if you own a gun, you’d better hope the person breaking in intends to shoot you so you can fight back. It’s crazy!
I’d love to be packing heat. I like guns, I like the protection they offer, I like that they mean business and you can protect yourself without getting too close to the person that wants to hurt you. Knives are messy, too up close and personal and they can be turned on you. Call me a redneck if you like but I’d love to shoot the “light fingers” off the person that did this to me. Blow his digits into the next county. Actually, there are a lot of people I’d like to shoot like child and animal abusers but I digress.....
Karma’s a bitch and tonight I’m going to put it out to the universe and go to bed with a mental voodoo doll that I’ll be sticking with pins, one for every hundred you stole from me. You’ll look like a porcupine when I’m finished with miserable piece of excrement.