For those of you south of our border, KY probably has a clear meaning. And considering I send a lot of parcels that way, it should be for me as well. Maybe it’s because last week was tainted by a rather annoying stint of insomnia that haunted every night. Actually, that's a plausible scapegoat…….yah, that's it! Sleep deprivation made me do it!
A customer emailed to say that she would like a pillow designed, and a kit made to say “I Love KY”. Well, my brain must have been in the middle of an outer body experience because it was obviously MIA. In disbelief, I read the email the second time and still a dense fog messed with the words. I read it a third time and then figured it was a joke. I get spam all the time, solicitations and comments, so I chalked it up to just another bit of junk mail. Really…..why would anyone in their right mind want a pillow that bragged they love KY jelly, a sexual lubricant?
So before I could talk myself out of it, I forwarded the email to my friend with my comment about jelly and the absurdity of it all. I'd been asked to draw some pretty weird things in the past, like design a pattern with a bouquet of penises, which of course I refused to do, so this request wasn't totally out of the left field. But...and there's always that but...maybe if I'd read the email just one more time or let it go until the following day, perhaps I’d have found the clarity to prevent hitting SEND.
Apparently my friend cracked up and then showed her hubby and he followed suit. An email queried back, "What the hell was wrong with me?" "KY is for Kentucky you twit!" The egg on my face needed a spatula to remove but after the shock of my stupidity passed, I had to laugh....almost peed myself actually. The email was from a woman who loves her State of Kentucky!....not someone sexually charged that's having a love affair with a lubricant. I blame the ads on TV for planting the sound of those two consonants together….K…Y… for steering my foggy brain off the road and into the gutter. Sigh……double sigh..….triple sigh……I’ll bet Freud would have something interesting to say about this!?
So how about making me feel better by sharing some of your ditz moments with me? The one that elicits the biggest chuckle will receive a prezzie. It doesn’t have to be your own zinger, maybe a family member or friend did something that made you roll on the floor laughing. I’m offering Glitz for Ditz….a pair of handmade freshwater pearl earrings, made by yours truly, and because of your head in the cloud moment, I’ll also send you ¼ yard of our newest, hot off the stove, dyed sky. A scrumptious wool with grey/blue highlights, first abrashed to perfection and then over dyed for colour continuity. I’m sure this wool will become a top seller, not just for sky but backgrounds, water and so much more! Be the very first to hook with this gorgeous wool! Send me a short quip by clicking the comment button at the top or bottom of this blog page, (not on Facebook). Here is a small example from my own archive of embarrassing moments.
Many years ago I worked with a guy in the accounting department and we often went downtown for lunch together. He’d purchased a pair of slacks the day before; his wife didn’t like them so he planned to return them to the store. Wanting to go out to eat, I hollered from my desk to his office, “Steve, are you taking your pants down over lunch?”