Games) and just wanted you to know how much I love your designs. I have
only hooked 4 previous pieces and never used a kit before. They have been all
my own ideas/designs but drawn by someone else, the largest only being about
3’ x 2 ½’ so am still learning and growing and loving it!
Anyway, when I was ordering the next two items I was telling the woman who
helped me about what I did with one of your patterns and I was told I should
send you pics of what I did for my first grandson last Christmas. I was
looking for stocking kit patterns (as I still don’t trust myself to buy the
right amount of wool and get the colors right).
I bought your Frosty Stocking (please excuse me for saying but I felt the
colors were too dark/muted so I put that piece away as I just did not feel
happy when hooking it and will start it again when I can get help with other
colors) and your Night Before Christmas wall hanging (I thought it was
called Up, Up and Away when I got it)
Anyway, I took the shape from Frosty and laid it over Night before Christmas
and hooked a stocking for my grandson and added Star Wars embellishments as
my Son (his dad) is very into SW and so he is grooming my grandson in the
Fun! I loved the way it came out and very proud of my work. He seemed to
love it least what was inside. He was only 18 months old then.
At the time I was ordering I did not see you had a similar stocking pattern called
Dash Away but then I would have had to purchase and figure out the
Hope you like what I did and that I did your design justice.
Joann Von Dollen
PS will continue to check out your work and I can't wait to get started on
Winter Games. I will have a friend of mine who got me into hooking and who
has been in Celebrations many times, help me with getting the wool I need
for it. Sure wish it was a kit!