Currently there is an art show in Turkey and Lale Caglar is displaying her pieces. There are lots of hooked rugs, cross stitch and paintings and among them sits our “PATCHES” pattern, hooked beautifully in yarn. It sets my heart ablaze! Much love from Mahone Bay and thank-you so much for sharing Lale!
Our Happy Hooters Bell Pull patterns made their way to Japan and two of Chizuko Hayami’s students hooked them masterfully. I don’t have the rug hooker’s names but perhaps they will add them in a comment on my blog page. Hooking is rich in Japan, remember the bus full of Japanese rug hooker’s that visited my studio and other shops in the Maritimes a couple of years ago? Chizuko hooked this beautiful rug to commemorate their trip with all the wonderful rug hooking studios they visited. My shop is the one on the left! I feel so blessed!
I’m off this morning to work on the boat. So much to do in four days before hubby has to leave for his daughter’s wedding in Ontario. I can’t go because of Honey. I would lose what’s left of my mind if something happened to her while I was away. We are taking it one day at a time and she’s holding up her end but the stress of mom being gone might be too much for her. My heart would ache and my eyes would weep rivers thinking she died feeling alone and sad while I was away. She’s my top priority right now, all else pales in comparison. Besides, this is the second round of marriage for my step daughter so I don’t feel too guilty; we attended her first.
So it’s off to South Shore Marine for the morning and then back at the shop later today. I’ll be wearing many hats in the coming days. Always a nurse cap for my little girl first, then the ball cap with sun brim to clean and wax the mast and wishbone and paint the bottom, topsides to wax, cabin sole floor boards to varnish, then there is work at the shop that wearing the designer, colour planning and paperwork hat, hooking and blogging from home and last but not least, my big, floppy brimmed hat for gardening. I finally broke down and hired assistance with the one big garden. I couldn’t have cleared it out in a month of Sundays on my own. I desperately mind the heat so I hide indoors the really hot days so there’s lots of time lost as the summer has been wonderful. When I did manage to work, the grass and weeds were a tough pull, then carting the wheel barrow away to empty exhausted me quickly so I had to take lots of nap. I’m only a girl for goodness sake, not a back hoe. The bulk of the weeds were cleaned out by Grass Roots, Christine and Larry, and I’m cleaning out the small stuff but now it’s up to me to maintain because if I turn my back for a second it’ll get out of hand all over again. Mother Nature can be vengeful; she certainly makes us work for our gardening hobbies, weeds shoot out of the ground like fireworks on the fourth of July. And too bad the deer, those midnight thieves with ravenous appetites, didn’t like the weeds as much as the tender shoots of the good stuff.
So I have a full plate with lots of delicious items on it! Off to work I go……
Name of the spots are.....
Top- left to right; Anne's Green Gables, Lighthouse at Peggy's Cove, Pastime PEI
Center; Hooked Rug Museum of North America
Bottom- left to right; Encompassing Designs Rug Hooking Studio, Plum Tree Studio, Darlene's Rug Hooking Shop, Spruce Top Rug Hooking Studio